"This briefing is over. Battlemage get moving, your transport is waiting for you in bay A-1. I have faith your squad leader will formulate a plan of action on your journey in, so my task is completed, good luck." Well then, thought the alien. Let us go, he said to himself in his mind. He rose from his seat, which was at the front, in the corner. Then he turned and went away, out of the room first and looked for the way to the room where his locker was. He did not want to go without some of his own gear. After that, he wanted to visit the armory for the weapons and other essentials he needed before heading to bay A-1. And just like that, he disappeared, not speaking to anyone for now but at the same time being polite enough to greet those of higher ranks than he has and waving to those lower than he is. Until he reached the locker rooms, he kept that up. And when he was alone with his locker, already grabbing stuff he needed, he simply hummed.