[h2]Alessa ([@BCTheEntity]) and Lillian ([@Old Amsterdam]) collab[/h2] In time, both girls managed to get away from the press and the crowds, and so to a transport van taking them back to the PRT’s headquarters. Alessa, for her part, was happy to be away from the paparazzi, but happier still that all had gone so well. For once since that fateful mission where Sonar lost his ability to be a hero, nothing had gone wrong, and to her knowledge, nobody had suffered lethal injuries. Though, the point of Margrave still bothered her. Lillian entered through the large entry doors, waving absently towards the desk as she dragged Alessa deeper into the base to their own HQ. Today had been…. Something. Yeah, something. Villains, fun, annoying people. She was more than a little disappointed that Elliot has opted to go somewhere else, apparently. She'd have thought he'd be here. She slipped off her mask, there were alarms for when people came, dropping it on a table in front of the TV, and plopped down unceremoniously before letting out an exaggerated sigh. [Color=pink]”I thought Elliot would be here, too,”[/color] she muttered into her hands. [Color=pink]”He seemed kinda lost, and I realized I've ignored him since I got here. I wanted to make that better. Can we just watch something here? I'm really kinda done with people after those reporters.”[/color] Alessa, removing her own mask, sat down beside Lily, patting her on the shoulder. ‘Honestly, I wanted to follow after him too, but the reporters blocked us off,’ she commiserated. ‘I know he asked us something whilst we were talking, but I didn’t get a chance to respond before he left...’ Sadly, looking around for Elliot now would be a fool’s errand. He’d return when he returned, and then she’d be able to apologise to him for not being able to properly chat with him at the time. For now, the best thing she could do is help out those in her vicinity: Lillian, and anyone else who showed up that needed the support. ‘Yeah, let’s watch a film,’ she murmured, grabbing the remote and turning the television on. ‘Anything in mind that you’d like to see?’ Lillian shook her head, standing up. [Color=pink]”Just nothing scary. I'm gonna grab snacks, want anything?”[/color] she asked. Alessa thought for a moment, then replied ‘Crisps might be good. And coke, if there’s any.’ As Lillian walked off, Alessa started flicking through the channels and viewing guide, looking for anything good that they’d both enjoy. Lillian nodded, absently, buzzing around the kitchen as she heard the small clicks and changes in volume as Alessa surfed for a movie. She grabbed a few cans of pop, nabbing the chosen snacks, before heading back and dropping them on the table and sitting down. [Color=pink]”Anything good?”[/color] ‘Mm... not yet,’ Alessa admitted, still checking the guide. ‘Best thing so far is a bunch of Simpsons reruns. Although, actually... we do have Mulan on one channel in a few minutes. Oh, and The Emperor’s New Groove immediately after that. That’s a heck of a lot of time taken up, if you’re interested.’ Tilting her head, Lillian considered for a moment. [Color=pink]”Mulan, then. I'll probably be leaving after that, though. There's some things I need to do.”[/color] Her voice was wistful as she replied slowly. ‘Makes sense,’ Alessa nodded. ‘Actually, since you mention it, I was thinking I might head out on patrol at some point anyway. The day’s still pretty young, and you know what they say about crime sleeping.’ [Color=pink]“That it doesn't, hehe.”[/color] ‘That’s right,’ she confirmed, grabbing one of the cokes and opening it up. ‘Anyway, that ought to be a good watch. It’s been ages since I last saw that film.’