"Don't have too much to drink there. Otherwise I'm going to have to empty a bucket over your head in the morning. I'll stay behind just in case we get any more 'unwelcome' guests." Cronic said, reaching for a nearby bucket as if to further his point. "...I guess now that I'm not concerned about threats to my life I could afford to have a taste of the local brew." Serena said, getting to her feet and following after Aria. "You might want to sit this one out Yuki. Some of the drinks they have at the mare aren't suitable for minors. This one guy tried to prove he wasn't a 'Milk Drinker', Nord insult for a guy who's a total lightweight in drinking mead... What he had ended up flooring him on the spot, leaving 'em with a lingering hangover for the rest of the week." Cronic said, before stretching his arms.