[center][h1]Powerline's Search for Greatness[/h1][/center] With a bit of extra time on my hands lately, I've been mulling over a few different ideas and pairings that I thought might be interesting. That mulling has also consisted of some plot-building in my head, but I'm going to try to stay away from that for the time being, as I'd much rather develop a strong and lengthy plot with my partner(s)!. With that being said, please take the pairings I list here with a proverbial grain of salt. I'm including a mixture of pairings I believe would create darker, grittier RPs, and those that would be a bit more light-hearted and, well...let's say "fluffy." I think this kind of mix works well for me. Keeps things from getting too emotionally-taxing. But, don't assume light-hearted means poorly-written or developed. I consider myself to be a decent writer, and I expect the same from my partners (harsh, yo). I don't have too many rules when it comes to my 1x1 endeavors, but let's cover the basics so you're not wasting your time or mine: - Be over 18. There will be adult themes in all of these pairings. Yes, even the fluffy ones. - Be consistent. That doesn't necessarily mean posting multiple times a day, or even once a day. At least once a week would be dope. - Be detailed in your writing. - Be sure to let me know if you have any limits, triggers, things to avoid... - Be female. I'm a dude (he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes...name that movie!). As of this moment, I strictly do MxF pairings. Nothing against any others, I would just be a horrible, horrible partner if I tried. Oftentimes there are romantic themes involved in these stories, and I just can't play them out as anything but a man. Guess I'd be a bad scriptwriter. - Beeeee yourself (name that movie!). Again, this is probably a smaller/shorter interest check than what it should be, but I'm much more interested in fleshing out details with a partner. If you're interested in any of the pairings, don't be afraid to bring your own ideas and plotlines to the table. I'll love you for it. Keep checking back, I'll add ideas periodically. So, here we go: ---------- [list] [*] Female President x Head of Security/Secret Service [*] Classically-trained chef x Food truck owner [*] Military vet with PTSD x One night stand [*] Male escort x Female CEO [*] Person from 1940s x Person today (this is about as far into the realm of sci-fi as I go, but I've played out a similar plot before and it was fun) [/list] If anything interests you, feel free to send me a message!