Berlin gave a sheepish grin. "Foolish of me to think I could ever leave my Lady Tevira. The sea has always been my first and greatest love. But aye, I thought my rollin' days were done and thought to settle down, and she ensnared me. It was good for a while, but then I started wandering down by the docks and taking work there, but the kind where I'd come home afterward. And you know how it is. One thing leads to another, and I convinced her to let me go on a short trip that lasted about a month. And then that trip turned to two, and so on. She finally came to me and said that I had to choose. Her, or the sea. And I knew then that I couldn't. I left her. I sometimes wonder how she's getting on...she's a decent lady, the sort that didn't seem to mind that I was a pirate. She told her friends I was a 'privateer' though." He laughed a little. "I couldn't bear the thought of scorning her publicly--I did love her, really. So I told her to keep my name and tell everyone I'd been lost to the sea. It's half the reason I don't use my surname anymore--In fact I think you're the only soul aboard that knows me as Berlin Havaiann. I like to think I...gave it to her. Plus it adds a pinch of theatrics to my pirating legend," he joked, though he meant it. He always did like watching decent men's faces screw up when they searched their brains or records for his last name and came up short. "No children though," he said, relieved, after a long sip. "I wouldn't know what to do with a kid of my own. Rheoaan doesn't count--he's older and far more independent than any other lad his age, and besides, he ain't exactly mine. Not to mention he ain't got a chance at a decent future, not as a shifter. But can you imagine me barking orders and boarding ships with a baby?" He gave a visible shudder. "I'd have to actually be a decent man to set an example for my spawn." Berlin chuckled at that, finding the idea highly amusing. -- "Ah!" Uban nodded, understanding as he stepped away from the helm. "Aye, 'course I can. I heard you telling Rohaan once it' a mark of your station, right? Not to mention a hell of a lot easier to maintain..." He said this flicking one greasy lock of his shoulder-length wavy brown hair like he did any maintaining at all. It was rough and tangled looking from so much exposure to saltwater, and he usually wore it back in a half ponytail loosely tied with a piece of leather. "I assume you got a razor? If not I got one down in my chest I use for shavin' my face. I promise not to nick ya, neither. C'mon, take a seat then." He pulled over a crate that had once held apples but now served as a net for the times Rohaan went diving for lobsters, crabs, or mussels.