[hider=Miranda] Name/Nicknames: Miranda Wright Gender: Female Age: 23 Appearance: Short, Svelt, Black, Her eyes are cybernetic and very obviously so, from the black sclerae and flickering green-gray holo-Iris. She tends to wear fairly non descript ElecVend clothes, the better to blend in with the crowd. Personality: Miranda is best described as brashly gregarious, the sort of person who tries to act like everybody's friend, even when addressing people who one she really ought to not. This is a calculated effort on this part, to her trust is priceless, and that's very important to somebody who's trying to sell everybody everything. Bio: Miranda was born in the ill fated city of Xanadu, a burgeoning boom town that went bust sometime before she came of age. Exactly what drove Xanadu into insolvency is hard to say in particular. Some parties believe it was demand for the particular minerals it exported ran dry. Others, suggest it was a lack of supply. Still others blame it on the Mechanization completely tearing out the workforce. All however agree that it could have continued puttering along, had corners not been cut, and safety protocols not relaxed, and if the entire damned mine hadn't collapsed, bringing the city above down with it. Orphaned by this catastrophe, young Miranda was taken from her home and put into the Arcadian Foster Care system. Which promptly abandoned her, leaving her to survive on the street. To her credit, she learned a lot. How to get in places, to get out, but more than anything, she learned how to talk to people. How to sell to them. If it was on the street, Miranda had it, could get it, or could point you out to who had it. Or even, introduce you. For a price, or a just a favor. All things have a worth, all people have a price. Living by these words, Miranda profited. Or at least stayed out of the red. That isn't to say there haven't been bad days. Like the time she ran into a group of Awakened, and tried to talk her way out of receiving their ministrations. They tore her eyes out, made her beg them to replace them, before she escaped. This left her blind, hunted, helpless and alone. To this day she isn't entirely certain how she managed to keep out of sight of the Awakened, to her best guess, she managed to luck into a group of concerned citizens (possibly Militia or Neanderthals) who set upon the Awakened. Or they started fighting among themselves. It's hard to keep these sort of details straight when you're newly blind. She came to in an alleyway, only a block or so away, a strange man standing over her, an older fellow covered in Cyberware she'd only heard stories about. It took her a moment for her to register that she could see him, that she had her eyes again. It took her even longer to accept that he did it for nothing. Since then, she's put her skills at his disposal, setting up meets with the scum of the Underworld to offer his services. Miranda herself insists she does this in service of profit. Some days, she can fool herself into actually believing it. Now, the only person she's ever thought of as her boss has set his sight on some new thing, a Disc. Almost all of what's involved is well over her head. All she understands is it's priceless, and the man who gave her back her sight is looking for it. So, so is she. And she'll find it, however dear the cost. Other: In addition to her gift of gab, Miranda is skilled at sneaking into places and running like hell from them. She's pretty handy with a firearm, though Wild Bill she is not. With her, flight generally comes before fight. Her eyes, are functional even underwater, but not in darkness, Casio was working with some MacGyver level resources at the time. She has contacts and connections all over Arcadia, mostly on the Lowborn side.[/hider] Okay, I'm done. I'm afraid there's not a picture because I can't find a girl who looks exactly like what I've got in mind for her.