"Donuts?" Toma excitedly piped in. She sensed opportunity. Delicious, wonderful, fried dough opportunity. Sol had told her that there would be no more stealing. As an employee of Priest and Hawthorne he said that she had certain standards to live up to. [i]Apparently.[/i] It was all very boring, but she owed them, so she'd behave. [i]Mostly.[/i] However, if she was stealing as part of an officially sanctioned job? Well now, that was an entirely different matter. Stealing donuts wasn't as fun as robbing a bank, stealing from arcane vaults, or ancient liches. It was a step down, but it was better than chasing a damned spider halfway across town for the better part of an evening. [i]A wasted evening.[/i] Morgan hadn't even let them stop to get a drink. Toma had asked. Several times. The alluring woman was a cruel mistress. Toma had decided that she liked her already. Even if Morgan stilled smelled vaguely like an employee of a three letter agency. Not that it made any sense to the young wizard. The woman wasn't like any agent Toma had ever met before. Most importantly, a pastry heist promised to be far more fun than fighting a spider in the dark, confined quarters of a warehouse distillery. Toma wasn't afraid of spiders, but she treated giant spiders with a healthy dose of respect. They were like grumpy, venom spewing horses with a taste for blood and a habit of collecting alarming numbers of victims in their dark lairs. If they only stuck to eating stockbrokers, it wouldn't have been so much of a problem. Toma might even have looked the other way. "If-" Toma began, feeling her heart skip a beat or two with excitement and anticipation. She dared to take a step closer to Morgan and Gabe, and did her best to appear cool and uninterested. "If the donut store is closed. Which it certainly will be at this hour. I can get us in! They won't know what hit them! It will be the greatest donut caper of the century!" She hadn't intended to talk so fast and Toma felt certain that she'd let her accent slip. She had to salvage the situation. The young arcane thief pretended to cough. There was a pleading, desperate, and hungry look in her eyes as she nodded deferentially towards Morgan,"I mean, if that'd be helpful..."