[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/459180049359175681/459185994344693760/shutenbanner.png[/img] [h2]Shuten Douji, Fuyuki Outskirts[/h2] [b]Einnashe Workshop ‘Lucus’, From Treetop to Treetop[/b][/center] "[color=a187be]Beee suuure to hannng on nnnnnice annnnd tighhhht Darlinnnng, fufu~![/color]" It was a routine trip for the Oni, in fact it was a big sluggish, but at the same time it was the ride of poor Ana's life. She moved from the heart of the forest and towards town in just a dozen leaps, carrying her adorable little master in her arms like a despoiled bride... After-all he had to contend with Shuten in private for the last twenty four hours and change. It was probably some kind of miracle he was in one piece since all three of his command spells still showed on the back of his hand. Humans were both fragile and delicious yet there wasn't any of him visibly missing, she had been so well behaved... And intoxicated. The continuous giggling and the red on her cheeks pointed heavily towards the latter, as did the heavy clanking of empty gourds every time she landed. [center][h2]Foriegner's Lowlands[/h2] [b]Divine Descending Denouement (DDD) Hot Spring [/b][/center] She walked right into this supposed meeting with a big smile, an exaggerated and perhaps drunken sway to her step, and eyes full of laughter, still carrying her master princess-style and with no clear intention of setting him down. How opportune, it was just in time to hear herself and her darling being the subject of discussion too. No other points mattered for her, and she spoke up freely "[color=a187be]Awww, you're ready to do alllll that just to ferret us out? Oh but that's meaaaannnnn... And unnecessaryyyy toooo. It's nnnice to be formmallly uninvited but my ~darrrrllllinnnng~ and I were alllreadyyyy leavinnnng![/color]" She sounded every bit the disgruntled drunk, heavy slurring and constant syllabic lurches. She raised a hand to point, just vaguely around the room in a sweeping gesture of accusation rather than at anyone in particular, and in the process dropped her master flat on his back. "[color=a187be]You've alll ruined this place, it's noooo funnnn now! Nnnnothing to take! Noooneee to chase about! Me and darllllinnng are goinng to gooo get mmmarriiieeeed back in....[/color]" She looked own at the now floored Ana, tilting her head to the side. "[color=a187be]...Whhhere doo yooouuuu llliive againnn?[/color]" Top class wife material, right here. [@Yukitamas][@Reflection][@Sageage][@Kyoka][@Phonic][@ManyThings][@Crusader Lord][@BlueHelix][@ReallyDumb][@DostHou][@Argonaut][@Cu Chulainn][@Paradox Witch][@GreenGoat][@Scallop][@Seirei No Hai][@Art of Fun]