[hider=Sample 1 for My Sanctuary] A had been sent into isolation when she was barely sixteen. Living on her own had been hard. Especially after the way she had grown up. But she had managed. It hadn't been easy. There alot she had to learn. It had been overwhelming at first but eventually she became comfortable being on her own. She finished high school online and enrolled in online college. She started looking into careers she could do from home. She had settled into a routine. She figured that they would never be able to find her an anchor. Most empaths found an achor among their family and friends shortly after their ability to feel other people's emotions started. Buf those who hadn't had to hope that a match could be found for them. Because empaths were rare and valuable to society the government set up a registry for anchors that had no empath to protect. Sometimes it took days or months. After years it pretty much wasn't going to happen. So she had given up by the time she received her letter.[/hider]