LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO PLAY A FEMALE TO MALE CHARACTER TO PLAY WITH MY MALE TO FEMALE CHARACTER. Okay, so I have an idea if anyone would be interested? I kinda want to do a romance between my character, a gentle and soft spoke, sweet and slightly.. naive for lack of a better word person. I'd be looking for you to play the tough, biker kinda character, the tattooed "scary" looking type. However, our characters would be the best of friends and have been since they were small children. My character, Charlie, is Male to Female and is transitioning slowly. I'd like you to play your character as Female to Male. This is because I love the idea of exploring the relationship between two transitioning characters, and seeing how much they love each other and how it grows over time. Obviously, they would also deal with prejudice and with hate towards them from various people. How they deal with it on a personal level could be interesting to explore too. They're late teens by now, but I think flashing back to the past could really help with this and explore things like them coming out to each other, the first date they go on, etc. I kinda want them to have cute nicknames for each other too. Something only the other is allowed to/will call them, to further cement the bond.