Really? Danes weren't cool? I havnt quite gotten into knights yet. I recently got enlightened, clearly the world can feel emotion or something without God... but when I was getting to far- it wasn't enough to kill me. Now my crusade can't be considered a hellraise. I accidentally got myself a katana first. It was a cheap sword, and I needed one now(!). Safety-nets, my dear. Uh, it's been like two years now. I call it a shark, could definitely be a wolf... but I define the blade a shark. I'm sure Tundra Wolves begin this way with swords, but my idea was Timber Wolf.... but I am a Spitting Cobra. Taught myself shadow assassin as well as train to get muscle. Life is medium at best. I know a bit about knighthood, I need to look it up for Historical reasons now to strengthen my mind to not get carried away and call myself a "mercenary" or even "pirate" having been born in Poland, afterall. And I am a swordsman. Tell me about Danes, and [color=0076a3]Welcome to the ROLEPLAYERGUILD![/color] I need to look up knight commander stuff, barbarian pathfinders/paladins. I intend to train in several weapons; being a SPARTAN shield with machete, then duel weild the machetes(Gerber Gator 18in), mercenary sword and a European scythe. I have a 32in katana, who's named "Ayame", and in honor of my katana I will also get the straight black katana with square guard. The mercenary sword is what I was searching for.