"Oh, hey Indy. I was gonna train my Pokemon just a bit before midnight. Ya know in prep for a Gym." Dan said. "I'm gonna train not too far away so call if you need me!" Dan said as he scurried off. [color=ec008c]Hm. Indy had only just gotten back. Maybe I should've invited him to join me... I'll have to say sorry when I get back. But it's too late now, I gotta train before it gets too dark.[/color] Dan thought to himself as he reached a patch of grass. Dan hadn't yet seen the smoke as it bloomed, instead, focusing on his less tired Pokemon Burmy and to a lesser extent Rat. It didn't take a lot of training for Burmy to get tired and stop training. "Tired already? Man, you sure are lazy. Maybe it's that coat of leaves you always wear..." Dan whispered to himself as he placed Burmy back in her ball. The freshly caught Rattata was still jumping with energy. "Man, you had been tired all day from your battle with Tiggy... What's with the energy this late?" Dan said as Rat scratched his own ears rapidly like a dog would. "Fine, Abit more training with you and then we find somewhere for us to rest." He said. After a couple of battles with other Rattata's that had been trying to get home for some much-needed sleep, Did Rat decide to stop training and submitted to being put inside his Pokeball. [color=ec008c]All right now that this is all done, I should find Indy.[/color] Dan thought to Himself. On the way back to where his friend had been previously he found a couple of Cheri Berries and Pocketed them, Saving them for later use. And noting the smoke from a campfire not too far off. As he approached Indy, Dan said "Hey Indy, You ready to set camp. I noticed someone made a camp not too far from here, You can see the smoke from some sort of campfire from here. I doubt they'd mind sharing their camp."