[color=8882be]"Um,"[/color] Indigo said as Dan ran off to train. [color=8882be]"Erm, cool, I guess."[/color] Did that mean he had to train more too? Hero and Hawka seemed just about capped for the day, their last training session had pushed them and they were tired. But the newest addition to his team, the Buneary, he wondered how she felt. He needed to get to know her better. [color=8882be]"Mimzy, come out,"[/color] and the newly named Buneary came out of her ball. She stood, shyly and just a smidge far away. It was as though she was nervous and Indy out stretched his hand. [color=8882be]"Hey it's alright. You know, you don't have to come along..."[/color] Secretly he felt glad about catching a Buneary, but he also felt like it went against his plans. He couldn't just abandon her after she had insisted on coming with him though. Gah, it was so confusing. Mimzy hopped up to his hand, sniffing cautiously. Indy gently patted her head. Her fur was luxuriously soft. [color=8882be]"You're okay. See?It's not a big deal."[/color] Mimzy then batted his hand away, but she remained closer than where she had been standing before. [color=8882be][i]Maybe she'd feel better with Hero and Hawka around...[/i][/color] So he released his other pokemon. He'd just returned them before letting Mimzy out, thinking she would be overwhelmed, but perhaps he had been wrong. She perked up considerably meeting Hawka and Hero. Their little chitters and squeals were more than enough to let anyone know they were getting along just fine. There seemed to be a bit of a rivalry between Hawka and Mimzy, albeit a friendly one. As it ended up being, Mimzy wanted to train too. She was determined to settle the score with Hawka once and for all, and so she showed off and practiced her moves. She certainly wasn't going to be falling behind! While Indy coached her, he managed to stumble upon three Kee berries and three Cheri berries. After an hour had passed of Mimzy training while Indy and her other teammates coached her, he found himself being approached by Dan. [color=8882be]"Oh, yeah?"[/color] Indigo hadn't noticed the smoke in the distance, but sure enough, there it was. [color=8882be]"Okay yeah, let's see if they wouldn't mind sharing their tent. By the way, this new pokemon found me."[/color] He gestured towards Mimzy, who had just pulverized a hard rock into smithereens with her powerful ears. [color=8882be]"This Buneary [i]actually[/i] pressed the button on my pokeball. I didn't even throw it. Crazy, right? I feel like we haven't seen each other all day. Anything new with you?"[/color] [hr] [hider=Current] Hawka the Torchic F- lvl 14 Hero the Burmy M -lvl 12 Buneary 13+1=14 Items: small pearl ×1 Kee Berry ×3+3 =6 pokeball ×3 Cheri berry x3 Actions: trained some more. Buneary gained a level. found 3 kee berries and 3 cherri berries. heading towards the smoke from the NPC camp [/hider]