[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180907/1ef64f6691624e864dd5aa6e374a80ea.png[/img][hr][hider=Elle] [img]http://mblogthumb2.phinf.naver.net/MjAxNzA1MzFfMjA5/MDAxNDk2MjM3ODI4NjI5.L_97rKDnH4PEyIy90BHG9UOoafyL_PhvxV4zjN9nlDkg.faur_vUeaDkwAEX0iqFWzN-rQI0ZnY5NM8XG6SACZIQg.PNG.hzz1016/kira_rausch5.png?type=w2[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] [color=dimgray]Today was an incredible day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the flowers danced in the wind. Among the splendor, in Griffith, a young woman could be seen careening down a sidewalk with rollerblades on her feet, a violin case on her back, and two grocery bags in hand. Honestly, it was a miracle that Elle hasn't hurt herself or someone else gliding around with those things on her feet. Anyone who saw her probably at first wondered what she was doing out and about. It wasn't a holiday, and she had been to the library last week. Some could possibly conjecture that the violin case and the recent news of someone starting a band combined had something to do with it, but it's not like they could stop her and ask. Luckily there was no one on the same sidewalks as her as she sped along or they were paying enough attention to move. Unluckily there was no one in front of her to help her slow down. However, as she neared her destination, Elle spied a lone figure thankfully in her path. As she neared the person, she called out, [color=F0F8FF]"Heyyyyy!"[/color] Elle then waited a moment for the person to look up at her and she yelled, [color=F0F8FF]"HELP PLEASE!"[/color] Hopefully he or someone else nearby would notice the girl and could help her stop.[/color]