[@JrVader] Hey there, you're pretty new to the guild and probably just feeling out a few RPs to see what's what, so I do apologize for the slight delay in touching base with you. I've had a little bit of family stuff going on this week, so understandably distracted from everything. In regards to your CS, I've got a few little "concerns" that I would like some back and forth with you on if you're still intent on joining. I'll enumerate them for ease of conversation. 1: Not that it's entirely too much of an issue per se since we [i]are[/i] in the casual section, but your CS is a little lacking in terms of detail and depth. Granted, you get the point across in regards to your character concept and what you want to do with them, but for what you have I feel there could be so much more there to flesh them out and make them a living character in our world. As an example, you have a character with a Polish first name, pseudo-Greek last name, from Costa Rica. That alone has a spin on there that should make someone stop and go "Wait what?" and provide up some ample opportunities to expand his history, but... There's nothing. 2: On terms of power level and your character's skills, I think we should really look it over carefully and see where he fits in with other heroes. Normally I would advise against this for someone potentially new to RP(I don't know your background or skill, so won't comment), but we've got a fairly decent group here going and a lot of times there's instances where we'll throw a collab together and get a neat event going for the entire playerbase to see and have a good time with. On the very first post there's an explanation of how the tiers work, so I would advise looking it over a little more and seeing where Archangel fits into that. Secondly on this point, I would strongly advise either clarification on your statement of: "... he is the best at martial arts." or to perhaps back away on such an absolute stance. We have more than a few characters who are either naturally gifted, or have supernatural abilities in such things, and as policy we really try not to have absolutes set in stone with such things. 3: Regarding his personality as a "Silent Hero" archetype, I am personally incredibly wary of this. Such things are a little difficult to pull off properly even for experienced roleplayers, as these characters often end up doing their own thing for most of the RP for various reasons. Either they are presented as characters that others simply do not wish to interact with, or the player themself has no desire to interact with others, and I've seen it far too many times result in a player posting a few times with this kind of character, getting little interaction and then leaving the RP because of it. Now as said, I don't know you personally and whether or not you may know what you are doing with such archetypes, but I would really prefer to see a lot more backing up Archangel before I would feel comfortable giving a go-ahead on him. There are many ways that you can make such a thing work of course, in ways of perhaps he's normally an incredibly insular lone-wolf who has always had to depend on himself, but finds that he is increasingly needing to rely on others and has to work out this change over the course of an arc or two. That's just one example out of many, but in the end, I would really just like to see a little more meat on the CS to back up the archetype or present possible plot arcs if that is the direction that you truly desire to go with.