[center][h1]Gaia / Pearl[/h1] [u][b]Savvan's Inn[/b][/u][/center] Raquel was soon called on by Garrett. As he reached his full height she was reminded of his entire clad of armor. She had never been to Nero but his shade of armor reminded her of it. It also reminded her of the ebony town of Onyx. Their hunters wore light armor but at times were equipped with black shaded leathers to move like shadows for the night hunt. Something she was a part of a few times. Though this one, Garrett. He seemed to her to be prepared to guard more so than hunt. "Did you enjoy the meal?" She asked in reply to his beckon. She gave him a smirk. She knew their cooks were the meanest around. Though the hunters stew was better in Onyx. She was sure a foreigner wouldn't be able to notice though as he seemed entirely satisfied. "Glad you liked it." It was then she noticed the drunkard who smelled of fresh brew. Though the fact she too was foreign was not lost to Raquel. Unknown to her she was watching a tipsy previous bandit leader. Raquel's right hand met her right hip and her head tilted in confusion. Whatever Siiga meant by what she said was lost to her. The other waitresses walked about serving the other customers without notice. The bard kept strumming but kept a watchful eye. Then he began to hum. Singing a vague poetic song of dangers and strangers out in the woods. A folk lore like tale with real consequences within. "Is there anything else you need?" [hr] [center][u][b]Healing Center[/b][/u][/center] [quote] "I would like to see some of your patients inside, as well as speak to someone about this," he said holding up the vial with what was left of his sample from the diseased tree. "I've been studying it, but I lack the resources I need to complete any of my conclusions. For the sake of the people inside, I would appreciate your cooperation." [/quote] The taxis healers with their white masks and cloaks were less like individuals and more of a cloned mass. The ones Dremmick singled out to speak to simply nodded and beckoned him inside. Only through speaking were they noticeably different. As Dremmick followed he would see the many being healed by Ami and her wings glowing in a display of her rare trait. A closed door was opened and Dremmick was brought to what seemed to be a lab. Though there were still sick beds they did not seem to have anyone living beneath. There were different sizes and shapes and colors of potions laid on the table and looped together through tubes. A couple of people were inside mixing potions and alike with the blessing of some of the healers upon them and the auras being manipulated into glass bottles and corked close. [hider=Amaiah][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/9a175e01d5ebddfe96269e9d9612583c/tumblr_p9thhoc7Fi1s4mk7zo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] One of the few not wearing all white Amaiah swished a bottle in her grasp observing its contents keenly before lowering it at the sound of newcomers in their room. It was quiet inside indicating few visited this part of the healing center. She turned to see Dremmick and was told through mental communication, as Sol often do, of Dremmicks inquiries. "Barging in here like we're hiding something." She said whilst mixing another potion. She then placed it down and turned to face him. "Are you close to discovering its origins as well? Unfortunately finding a easy solution isn't easy." She sighed. Lifting her glasses up her face. "I'm Amaiah. May I see that?" Once Dremmick was done with introductions and she held his experiments she began to take samples of it and mix it with other liquids. Getting various results she kept corked within bottles. The very first one being marked with an X. "It's not the potency of it. But the quantity. There isn't enough pure healers to renew the lands especially while so many are hurt. If only the waters were able to purify the lands.. Then we could focus on healing others." She spoke aloud while constantly working. "Sorry If I'm... rambling. Been a while since I've had company. Be careful though, don't knock over [i]anything[/i]." [@Brithwyr][@Jollan][@Verticus][@RumikoOhara]