[@Bee][@Universorum][@MesuOkami] Hey, finally managed to finish my character, hope I'm not too late :) [hider=Maurice Colton] [center][h1][color=#b6f442]Maurice Colton[/color][/h1] [color=#b6f442][i]Some people call me Maurice[/i][/color][hr][hr][img]http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/young-ian-mckellan.jpg[/img] "[color=#b6f442]I don’t have time for this. Ask me later.[/color]"[hr][hr] [/center][center][h3][color=#b6f442]CMH Personnel File[/color][/h3] [img]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BBW9QqtWg4Y/We1JuIf4qII/AAAAAAAAglA/FCMLcGO8UW0b4vuqLNdkyY9lmdzcPzF6ACLcBGAs/s400/young-ian-mckellen-closeup-headshot-photo-u1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#b6f442] Name [/color] [indent]Maurice Colton[/indent] [color=#b6f442] Birthday & Age [/color] [indent]25 Years Old/12th November 1993[/indent] [color=#b6f442] Gender & Sexual Orientation [/color] [indent]Male. Straight.[/indent] [color=#b6f442] Other Labels [/color] [indent]British-American Psycho Stick-up-the-ass [/indent] [color=#b6f442] Occupation [/color] [indent]First year resident in trauma surgery. Specializes in emergency surgery/trauma victims like car crashes or assault victims and the like.[/indent] [color=#b6f442] Appearance [/color] [indent]Maurice has the classic ‘old money private schooled’ look. His dark hair is always immaculately styled in conservative fashion. He keeps it a manageable length, never below the collar- that was a detention in his old school. His face seems suited to a sombre look, with heavy brows and a protruding upper lip that makes an almost permanent semi-pout. Maurice’s chin is quite heavy-set also, with a noticeable cleft in the center. His eyes are bright coloured, but dull- his low lids leave little to show of the sparkling blue iris. Tireless hours working late at night have left prominent dark bags under his eyes. His build is thin but tall, standing at 6’1. His skinniness comes from days spent working obsessively, without regard of eating and it has taken its effect on his body. His face is especially gaunt, with skin tight against his cheekbones and jaw. ‘Didn’t your mother ever feed you?’ and ‘You should really be eating more’ are common comments. He doesn’t have time for that. Food is to sustain, not to enjoy. Clothing is something Maurice takes very seriously. The first thing people do when they see you is they judge you. And your clothes are the first thing they see. Therefore, it would never do to look ragged or unseemly. For this reason, and having never truly grown out of his private school days, he wears fitted formal wear most of the time (except when in surgery of course). Monotone coloured shirts, fitted suit pants and derby shoes which match the colour of his belt. Occasionally he wears a silk tie, but it can feel excessive in daily use and end up left in the cupboard. Always a single colour. Maurice frowns on the fools who like to ‘express their personality’ with their ties. Leave the rubber ducks and bright colours to the children.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i1.wp.com/history.bythelakeside.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/D7dKGCo3wnl4pSAciPKHHTKjZW1sRn08JK5nLaf52o4.jpg?fit=540%2C532&ssl=1[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=#b6f442]CMH Psychological Evaluation[/color][/h3][/center] [color=#b6f442] Personality [/color] [indent][color=#b6f442]The Positive:[/color] [list] [*] Driven [*] Confident [*] Relentless [*] Intelligent [/list][/indent] [indent][color=#b6f442]The Negative:[/color] [list] [*] Arrogant [*] Know-it-all [*] Dismissive [*] Cruel [/list][/indent] [color=#b6f442]Evaluation Observations:[/color][indent] First impressions of Maurice are rarely positive. He seems to simply brush off and ignore other people at best, and at worst, use his brash, superior manner to bully others. However, he is annoyingly good at surgery and medicine, and seems absolutely dedicated to the job. He’s the sort of person that it would be strange to see outside of scrubs in the hospital, like seeing your school principal at a swimming pool. When he isn’t working on the table, he’s working in other ways to become a better surgeon, to save more lives.. to be better. Some people wonder if Maurice simply puts up a facade or if he really is that much of a dick. To be honest, sometimes he doesn’t know himself.[/indent] [color=#b6f442]Actual Personality:[/color][indent] All Maurice wants in life is to be the best. When you’re trying to be the best, sometimes other people can be little more than pointless distractions. Who has time for a girlfriend when people are dying on the table because he wasn’t there to operate? Who has time for idle conversation when he could be studying, improving, becoming a better surgeon? His relentlessness has driven him from a young age, encouraged by his father and by now, it’s all he really has left. As the saying goes, a leopard can’t change it’s spots; and after twenty five years of rejecting others, it seems the spots are ingrained deep. The only way you’ll really see the true side of Maurice; a depressed, almost lonely man is in his moments of weakness- tired to the bone after a marathon surgery or drugged out of his mind on one of his occasional binges. The only thing that keeps him going without burning out is the drugs. The drugs, and the dream of seeing his father’s statuesque face finally break and congratulate his son on his accomplishments. [/indent] [color=#b6f442]History:[/color][indent] His birth was uneventful, thrown into this world a quarter of a century ago as a slightly premature baby with an ignominiously large head and bright blue eyes in a San Francisco hospital ward. His mother disappeared early into his life and his father, an English immigrant from a prestigious family never talked about her. Maurice never asked. To question his father was to question his authority, and questioning his authority would only lead to an encounter with his thick leather belt. In school, Maurice excelled at his work from an early age, standing out among the rest of his classmates. He always seemed to want to be the best, to be better than anyone else. Instead of playing outside and forming friendships like the rest of them, he preferred the chill air of the school library, studying for hours for every test. At home, his father was distant and only spoke to Maurice when the boy got a less-than-desirable grade or, on the rare precious occasion, to show the small boy a flash of pride at an excellent result. This only encouraged Maurice to turn away from his classmates to pursuit grades even more. When he came to high school age, his father wanted him to return to his roots. This led to him travelling back to England to be schooled at Eton. Most teenagers, freed from the oppressive presence of their parent/s would go wild, but not Maurice. To the chagrin of his classmates he stayed intently focused on his studies, eventually graduating with excellent grades. Those who tried to get close to him would be thrown off by his arrogant attitude, formed by his lack of social interaction. It was in his final years of high school that he started turning to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as a crutch to support him through tortuous exam seasons and long nights studying. He has never managed to really kick this habit, and still enjoys a chemical hit far too often. He had grown an interest in medicine through his biology classes, but to be honest, the pay and prestige as a surgeon was what really attracted him. With his pick of colleges, he ended up with a full ride through Stanford for a degree in medicine. From the advice of a professor who had been impressed by Maurice’s determination, he applied for a first year residency in Caduceus Memorial and was eagerly accepted.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=#b6f442][i]"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance."[/i] [/color] - [color=lightgray][i]Samuel Johnson[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=#b6f442]Off the Record[/color][/h3][/center] [color=#b6f442] My Dreams [/color] [indent]‘I don’t have dreams. I have goals. Dreams and hopes will always lose out against someone else’s hard work and determination.’ [list] [*]Become head trauma surgeon at the hospital [*]Make his father proud [*]Become financially successful [/list] [/indent] [color=#b6f442] Fears [/color] [indent][list] [*] His only true, deep-seated fear is the fear of failure and disappointing others. To fail is possibly the worst thing someone can do, and on the stage of emergency surgery where mistakes can be fatal, doubly so. He didn’t make it this far by making mistakes. [/list][/indent] [color=#b6f442] Likes [/color] [indent][list] [*]Books. [*]A nice bit of peace and quiet. [*]Hard workers. Even if he doesn’t like you, at least he can respect your grit and determination. [*]Classical music. He can often be found listening to the greats on his iPod during his breaks. [*]A smoke. He finds they help him relax, especially after long surgeries or shifts. [/list][/indent] [color=#b6f442] Dislikes [/color] [indent][list] [*] Having to ask others for help. To him, to not be good enough and have to resort to asking others is almost as bad as failure. He tries to avoid this as much as possible. [*]Chatty people who just won’t shut up when he’s trying to enjoy a bit of quiet. [/list][/indent] [color=#b6f442] Reputation [/color] [indent]Maurice hasn’t really been at the hospital long enough to develop a proper reputation, but early impressions of the staff have found him cold and arrogant, their greetings rebuffed. However, his talent and dedication is already evident. [/indent] [color=#b6f442] Extra information [/color][indent] Face Claim: Young Ian McKellen[/indent] [/hider]