“Jesus Christ?” Sayeeda asked as she glanced down the trash filled alley. It was cleaner than most she had seen on the Smuggler's Moon, but that was hardly much of a compliment. The barrel of her pistol shimmered with the heat of rapid fire and her hand gripped the case with white knuckles. Junebug was used to risking her own life, but the prospect of losing millions of credits worth of merchandise was a new one . “Is that its name?” The wall beside them shrieked like a diamond saw biting into hull plating. A billowing cloud of dust exploded into the alley moments before the wall exploded outwards in a screaming gush of masonary. The muted screams and gunfire from inside the club redoubled in volume as a six foot hole was ripped in the wall by a combination of gunfire and brute strength. The Hex leaped through the settling dust with a roar that shook the world. Junebug shot it twice in the chest, but either its body armor was sufficient to stop the pistols light slug or the thing was simply too tough to care. It swung its fist at her with deceptive speed and she just had time to raise the case to block the blow. The metal ceramic case crumpled like a crushed soda can and the force of the blow lifted Junebug and smashed her into one of graffiti covered walls. Her breath exploded from her chest as she fell among the trash. The pistol and the case clattered to the ground in opposite directions. The Hex screamed something that might or might not have been ‘Edwards!’ and leveled its gun at the pilot. Junebug distinctly heard the screech of the mechanism jamming, but the Hex didn’t hesitate. It leaped at Neil, intent on tearing him limb from limb. [@POOHEAD189]