While I'm finishing up the Archive Girls' sheets, I do have their Patron's sheet ready for review. [hider=Grandfather] Designation: PRE04 [[i]Note: Also classified as a Horror by certain non–Archive organizations.– SΞ[/i]] Colloquial Terms and Names: Grandfather [[i]Note: I have been made aware that Grandfather is also commonly called The Blind Man, FT Cremator, or ELDER. “Aqualung” has also floated around, thanks to both Locomotive Breath and the increased interest in magical girls as of late (potential or otherwise).– SΞ[/i]] [hider=Artist’s Rendition] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/365212638852022282/479752390514573322/Libary.jpg?width=430&height=600[/img] [/center][/hider] Behavioral Characteristics: Grandfather typically frequents libraries, carrying his Book of Names in one hand. He will either ask an individual their name or to write their name in his book. Upon the fulfillment of either of these requests, Grandfather collects memories from them. He does not exclusively collect childhoods, and appears to have an interest in strong memories. Rarely, he will approach those he has taken memories from and gift them memories from another person, creating a Gifted. Grandfather has also shown interest in the process of creating Magical Girls, and has occasionally transformed individuals from whom he has taken memories. On certain occasions, such as those detailed in the blogging efforts of “Locomotive Breath,” Grandfather has acted in particularly hostile fashions. In those instances, he has been observed to [color=ed1c24]*CLASSIFIED*[/color], as well as wipe the data from all recording equipment in the area. History: Unfortunately, non–classified data about Grandfather is few and far between. Seriously, this file is mostly pieced together from the non-classified bits, And recent incidents have practically become common knowledge already, so... Resources: Only those whose childhood has been taken by Grandfather from are allowed to join the Archive. There are several ranks of Archivists, each of which carries out specific tasks. Their title comes from their class, and a Greek letter to indicate their position within said class. Those are as follows: Analysts: Analysts analyze data from Collectors and conduct experiments. Brokers: Brokers sell information to wealthy clients, providing the funds used to keep the Archive running. Collectors: Collectors are normal field agents. They observe and collect data, and on occasion locate potential recruits. Inquisitors: Inquisitors act as Internal Affairs agents. They investigate corruption in the organization and maintain the Sphere, a large underground facility that acts as the Archive's prison. Keepers: Keepers are the Archive's security officers. They ensure that the Archive's bases remain hidden and that all files are secure. Martyrs: Martyrs are the soldier class. Rarely deployed, their job entails hunting down rogue agents and eliminating external threats to the Archive. Scribes: Scribes record data and make sure that information is up–to–date. Gifted: The Gifted are those that Grandfather has "chosen," specifically to receive new memories. As such, the Archive holds them in high regard, and the opinions of a Gifted carry much weight. As per his boundless wisdom, Grandfather begun taking a particular interest in magical girls soon after [color=ed1c24]*CLASSIFIED*[/color], with some of them brought into the Archive from the ranks of other organizations. That said, the existence of Gifted Magical Girls in Grandfather’s service is incredibly rare, and are held in even higher regard than Gifted or Magical Girls on their own. Payment of Archive personnel is usually budgeted by the Council of Seven, and distributed either by direct deposit or in person by an Inquisitor. Additional Information: [color=f7941d][s]HE IS THE GRANDFATHER FROM WHOM ALL KNOWLEDGE SPRINGS FORTH[/s][/color] Ahem. Sorry. I know Scribe Sigma made that joke first, but I couldn’t resist. Not much is known about Grandfather regarding his personal history, actually. What little we have is a tangle of classified information that I have to piece together, and even then sort out the details too isolated by decades. The only thing I really can add to this section is hearsay at best. Keeper Omikron claims they caught a glimpse of Grandfather standing in a night–drenched library, one clearly connected, but not part of, the stacks that usually exist in that section of the facility. Allegedly, Grandfather was talking to a bipedal otter for several hours. The Keeper in question is a magical girl aligned with the wind, and sensed something ancient about the air of that place that had not been felt anywhere in the mundane world nor either UXP06, PRE06, or any known pathway. [[i]Note: Also known as the Overcity and the Empty City, respectively.– SΞ[/i]]. The details of that conversation, as collected from their testimony, is documented in the “Otter Dialogues” report. Another point of interest is the existence of UXP04 “Thoth,” who may or may not be a result of UXP417 “Dimensional Bleeding.” While the vast majority of what he has told the Archive is incredibly classified, the potential of what Thoth represents could completely overturn Iceburg Theory regarding the manifestation of PREs, as well as our understanding of how the universe works. The information he has revealed to the Archive has also caused an even greater priority on finding Magreat before any other organization or being gets ahold of him; or, Grandfather forbid, what he’s been undoubtedly working on. Thoth has also expressed concerns about the blog of Locomotive Breath, particularly use of the term “Insiden.” Or, perhaps concern is too light. Alarm might be more apt. [/hider]