“Hmmm,” mumbled Doctor Phillips,”I see.” He looked back to his clipboard, flipping through pages and running his finger up and down while mumbling to himself. The nurse stood to Delilah’s left still, arms crossed while she patiently waited. The digital clock above now said 8:12. The doctor finally lowered his clipboard to his right side and looked again at Delilah. “Well Miss Stevens,” he began,”as you may remember you were in a car accident. A box truck plowed into the side of your car as you were progressing at a green light in stormy weather. You were unconscious when you were brought in, and were in a comatic state for the past twenty-eight days. Your left forearm, left femur bone, and several of your left side ribs were fractured. Your face, torso, right leg, left side, and the left side of your upper back all had numerous mild cuts as well. Not to mention that you suffered a major concussion. Yesterday, it was reported that your fractures have mended nicely, and most of your cuts have healed over completely. But, I’m rather concerned about potentially serious brain damage.” He paused for a minute, then continued,”A CAT scan given on the second day you were here showed severe trauma to your frontal and temporal brain lobes. You haven’t been scanned since then, so I’m hoping that the damage has healed substantially, or at least modestly. Nurse Lauren here will run you down for a follow-up CAT scan shortly. For now, we’ll give you time to orient yourself and ‘get on your feet’.” Then nurse nodded as Doctor Phillips finished his statement.