Delilah nodded, remembering the accident. Well, she remembered it happening, but nothing after that. Which made sense, since she had been in a coma for a month. He then began to name off the injuries she had sustained. At first, her jaw dropped open just a little, her brows crinkling. But with each injury he named off, her jaw dropped a little further. She had seen worse, but didn't think that an had gotten that many, and so extensive. No wonder she was so damn sore and in pain. It was then, that she moved her arm and leg, feeling the casts that had been put on them. Brain damage. That was all she needed. She ran her fingers through her dirty and matted hair, exhaling deeply. So many thoughts were racing through her head at that moment. Her life. Her job. "Yeah, alright," Delilah replied softly with a nod of understanding. The nurse and Dr. both left shortly after that, leaving Delilah to her thoughts. She rubbed her forehead with her fingertips, then threw the blankets off of her. She tried scooting to the edge of the bed, which took a minute, and let her legs hang over. It was at this point, she took the time to examine herself. There were definitely going to be some scars; something she wasn't really worried about. She wiggled the toes on her left foot and gently kicked her leg. She did the same with her left arm. Well, at least it was the left side. She was a rightie. With a heavy sigh, Delilah slowly slid off of the bed, making sure to keep most of her weight off of her left leg. She glanced up at the window. Exhaling with determination, she grit her teeth and slowly began limping her way towards it. About half way there, her arm came up and wrapped around her injured ribs, a soft groan passing between her bared teeth. When she finally reached the window, she slid the curtains aside in one side, and leaned down on the sill with her right hand. She was breathing like she had walked up 30 flights of stairs, but the sight helped calm her. The morning sun shining over the city, casting soft oranges and bright yellows. Delilah sighed and closed her eyes, leaning her forehead against the cool glass.