[Center][h1]Into Darkness[/h1][/center] Masrith had found himself dozing off. The treck down the mountain had made him exhausted. It was in his light sleep that the noises began. Masrith tossed and turned slightly and began to mumble to himself as the noises echoed louder in his head. As he jumped up from his sleep, it was dead silent. His breathing was heavy and it felt as though his heart was ready to jump out of his chest. [color=turquoise]What the hell?[/color] Masrith glanced around unnervingly. As he stated down in it the darkness that was further into the cave he felt himself screaming internally. [color=turquoise]I guess I chose on hell of a spot to rest.[/color] Masrith stood up and found himself constantly looking toward the exit of the cave and the darkness that led further down into it. He was debating on whether or not he should leave. After what had happened during his light sleep, he felt as though the cave wouldn't let him rest. [color=turquoise]I can't just stay here and do nothing. I should give myself a pep talk. Come on me, don't die....is that really all I got to comfort myself? I guess I'm fucked then.[/color] As Masrith began to step out of the cave, he heard a loud wail that rattled his bones. His foot stopped mid step toward the exit of the cave. [color=turquoise]Do I really want to deal with that? Either a big ass monster out there or paranoia in here.[/color] He debated his options in his head, none of them were pleasant but he had to make a desicion. [color=turquoise]Summon Angel: Archangel Flame.[/color] A flash of light further illuminated the cave as an Archangel Flame rose from the light. It certainly wasn't the most powerful angel but it was the only one he could summon that would fit in the cave. [color=turquoise]I would much rather step into the abyss then deal with whatever monstrosity is out there. Atleast I can see in complete darkness, I can't see through a blizzard. Archangel Lfame, protect me as we explore deeper into this cave.[/color] With that said, Masrith would step deeper into the darkness that surrounded every crevice of the cave. The angel he summoned would remain close to him and every twenty steps, Masrith would place a YGGDRASIL coin on the ground so he would not get lost and hope to find his way back should he ever wish to do so. [color=turquoise]So what, they're plenty of abyss' that I walked into in YGGDRASIL, this one can't be any worse.[/color] Masrith said nervously. His descent into the darkness would be slow and cautious but he would make progress.