"A thousand gratitude for the light, Shiro. Perhaps when you get your own pipe I will smoke that one also. I'd also like to note that I am no duck. Or perhaps I am a duck and have been lied to all my life! My, imagine that" she took a few puffs from the powerful herbs in the pipe and blew out the smoke. "You are wrong when you state that I do not know what you are. You are a living being, such as I, the smooth skin and the juvenile there. If you were not a living being, then you would be a spirit. All spirits are malevolent, and so far you seem rather cuddly. As for who you are, you are obviously Shiro! You stated as much yourself, or did you forget?" she chuckled quietly once again. "As for you there, Juvenile, it is also fine to meet you. Shall you give me a title to call you, or are you content to be called Juvenile? I am Kroga The Witchdoctor of Ducks!"