Indy was somewhat intrigued by Daniel's reasoning. One one hand, Daniel seemed to not care what his pokemon looked like at all, but on the other, he was concerned about type. Indigo felt the exact opposite. Were they two sides of the same coin? Did that mean he didn't have to feel bad about not liking pokemon because of the way they looked? Even he had to admit his paralell was a weak one. But it helped him not feel guilty! Which was what he was going for at the present. He smiled. Dan's encouragement was wonderful and supportive, which was more than Indy had even been asking for. He stifled a chortle when Dan mentioned the little rabbit pulverizing a [i]boulder[/i]. It had just been a hefty rock, maybe no more than than 8x10 inches in size. "My day's ruined everyday from a fire-type," Indy said dryly, only half joking. Hawka cheeped in protest and began pecking at the cuffs of his jeans. Mimzy was basking in the praise. She seemed to like attention. What a relief that Dan could help him feel better. "But thanks." The Rattata was not the best looking pokemon ever, but Indy admired it's rich, royal purple fur. "It's got a really nice coat too. And yeah let's go check it out." He recalled his pokemon, save for Mimzy who preferred to be outside her ball at the moment. As they made their way to the campsite and came across a young girl, Dan was the first to speak. "We're just trainers passing by. We saw your smoke so we just thought we'd hang." "Oh! I'm Joan," Joan said, putting her cup down and extending a hand. For a girl traveling alone, she didn't seem nervous or frightened at all by Indy and Dan. "Trainers, you say?" Indy scratched the back of his head. "Newbies... We just started like two days ago." "Is that so? Well come around for some conversation and tea if you'd like! Always good to make some new friends." Joan sipped at her tea. "So, how are you guys liking it so far?"