It was probably a good thing that Kathrine and them were forcefully taken away from the situation assaulting them. The truth was that contact with a flailing, monstrous creature trying to snap its jaws at you was going to have a minor drain on the quarantine field. After all, the creature was made of X-matter and actively trying to harm her. It was also a fact that while she had been dealing with that, the other two Serris dove at Zen now, forcing him to use a combination of eye beams and pulse shots to throw them both back. His suppression wasn't going to hold if all three got in a good charge. One of them would get past and assault the team. With them having retreated, Zen began to back up further to give himself more room to work with. For those making their way into the bunker itself, things were a mess in here. Wrecked vehicles, torn uniforms, dents and blaster burns on the walls, explosive damage... There were damaged interior doors here, as well, including a torn-open guard station that looked like something had been crushed against the back wall of it...but most of the controls here were in decent enough condition to manage the perimeter and the blast doors. There was also a very obvious blast door switch on a wall that was not harmed, fortunately. They were gonna need it, because the perimeter guns looked like they needed time to reinitialize, and the status on some of them would - naturally - be completely kaput. Outside, time was running out. The three Serris were becoming more coordinated. Zen estimated another ten seconds at the max before they rushed him at one. This was going to be close, hence why he had given himself a head start and was already airborne. [color=ed1c24][b]"Everyone get inside immediately and close the door. I will enter at maximum speed before it is shut."[/b][/color] You could hear his thruster pack humming to full capacity.