[center][h3]Gulf of Baltia[/h3][/center][hr] The journey across the waters were fairly uneventful. The waters were calm, the winds gentle. The crew of the ship went about their duties, however Ardoiwn’s crew were not content to sit around and do nothing. While few could say they were useful the men and women under Ardoiwn’s command did try their hands at ship based tasks, most meeting with expected failure. Ardoiwn himself however had more important duties. The first day was spent discussing with the captain, ensuring that the supplies would last, ironing out the finer details of payment, hearing a few rumors carried on port winds, and generally getting on good terms with the captain of the ship. However after that first day Ardoiwn decided that it would be wise to learn of the place he was sought to aid. To that end he located the envoy that had brought the matter up with the king in the first place. Having gone in the same direction Ardoiwn had convinced the man to journey with him to back Tautom, there were not many ships heading that way from Lampert coasts and it was not difficult. Now Ardoiwn sought the man out to learn more of the land and the king, and with a quick look over the deck saw the envoy leaning on the rail near the bow. Ardoiwn ran up with a wave. [i]‘’Greetings, Ardoiwn!’’[/i] Said the Tautan emissary. Bruised and battered as he was. [i]‘’I just can’t get over it, I didn’t think I’d get out of there alive. I understood the risks. How is it your people can weather your King’s aura? We are fortunate to have a docile and incompetent King. His aura is a joke. ...And that’s no figure of speech.’’[/i] Ardoiwn shrugs as he steps up beside the envoy, [i]“We Lamperts are built of sturdy stock, his presence is commanding, but he tries to be fair.”[/i] Ardoiwn then takes a moment to look at the man standing next to him. [i]“I am sorry for what befell you.”[/i] [i]‘’I am just so grateful that at least one of Lampertei’s Lordlings would hear my plea. I knew I couldn’t count on much support -- or any, really. You are too generous, Lord Ardoiwn.’’[/i] The man chuckled and revealed a smile with missing teeth. His broken arm wrapped in cloth from the beating he received of the Lampert palace guards. [i]‘’At least I don’t return empty handed… Madam Kalisto will be pleased. Anyway, we’ve come a long way. We should be getting near.’’[/i] [i]‘’Gastald!’’[/i] A sudden cry from the ship’s watchman. [i]‘’Tautom on the horizon!’’[/i] Ardoiwn leaned over the rails to try to get a better look at the proud city coming into view. The high walls, unassailable and untouched. The palace rooftops peaking out above, its high dome gleaming radiant in the sun. [i]“But… Isn’t that too much smoke?”[/i] Ardoiwn asked as he squinted his eyes. The closer they got, the clearer the view, Ardoiwn saw what happened. The flag flying above the gate, the proud gate doors thrown open, the city walls had been assaulted! No, as the sounds of battle began to carry on the wind Ardoiwn realized the city was [i]currently[/i] under assault. [i]“[b]Tautom is under attack![/b]”[/i] Ardoiwn shouted, loud enough for the crew and his men to hear alike. Rushing up the deck to the captain Ardoiwn was quickly joined by several of his band as they quickly went over their options. The returning emissary’s face turns pale with horror, his eyes widening as he grasps for his cheeks. [i]“We need to get in there!”[/i] Ardoiwn states urgently, [i]“We need to save Tautom.”[/i] [i]‘’Hrm.’’ The captain snorts, himself a Baltian local. ‘’Look at the pier -- it’s no use. The Tautans have raised the chain to deny entry to ships seeking portage. Just what is going on?’’[/i] [i]“Can we land ashore?”[/i] Cleph asks, running up to join the discussion, [i]“Catch the attackers in the rear and cut off their retreat?”[/i] Ardoiwn brings his hand up to his chin before denying the possibility, [i]“I doubt our numbers are enough to make a meaningful hammer, and we don’t know the state of our anvil. Not to mention that cutting off their escape route will force the enemy into a corner, we don’t know how many they are or how strong. Putting them in that spot will only make them bolder still.”[/i] [i]‘’Lord Gastald’’[/i] The emissary taps Ardoiwn on the shoulder. [i]‘’I can attempt use my influence to petition the dock’s overseer to raise the chain for us… Those measures are reserved to keep out alien ships. But ours isn’t one, so legally we must be permitted access.’’[/i] The captain retorts. [i]‘’Hrmm.. Think I’ll have the ship steered towards the guard tower to which the chain’s attached. Objections?’’[/i] Ardoiwn considers the options, but he couldn’t see many. The only way to help the people would be to get inside the city, and the only sensible way to do that was through the docks. [i]“Very well.”[/i] Ardoiwn issued, [i]“Bring us up to the guard tower. Everyone! Grab your things and prepare for battle!”[/i][hr]