Calliope waited until nearly the last possible moment, the last sliver of sun staining the far side of the sky orange. She turned and slipped on her shoes, not bothering to do so quietly. "You missed the sunset." She said, rather loudly, as an attempt to wake him up. She stood, shaking out her skirts to make them smooth and lay properly, then began to brush off any speck of dirt that she could see. "If you don't wake up soon, sir guard, I will go inside by myself." It was already growing chill, and the wind had begun to pick up, bringing with it yet more cool air. She might have to have the maids light the braziers in her room tonight to take off the chill - Calliope detested being cold. Her dress now in proper order, she turned to look at her guard. When she saw he was awake, she looked a bit surprised - she had thought men were hard to wake up. Shaking her head a little, she repeated, "You missed the sunset." Why he would stay out here and take a nap instead of enjoying the sunset, Calliope didn't know. A faint tint of red came to her cheeks as the thought of sleeping Alexander, and how close she had gotten to him, came unbidden into her mind. She let out a breath. "It's cold. I'm going inside now." She turned, and started back to the house, her footsteps light on the pathway. Lamplight shown from the windows of the house, making the building seem warm and inviting. Warm it may have been, but Calliope found it less inviting by the day. She hugged herself as she walked, her steps slowing just a little as she got closer. She paused a moment before going inside, seeming to have to brace herself for the action. Then she went in, walking quickly to retreat to the relative comfort of her rooms. As her guard, Alexander had his own room near her chambers - so Calliope could expect him to be closely following her, both to make sure she went where she was 'supposed' to go, and to return to his own room.