[color=c4df9b][b]Servant Berserker, Gilles de Rais Edge of Foreigner's Lowlands.[/b][/color][hr] Another body was put in front of him. Dead, but it did not matter. In his eyes, all can join his army. This felt unworthy, cheap, to disturb the dead and call upon them to fight, but Gilles did not doubt they too would want to fight against this threat, that they too would die again to defend their home. How many people have perished here before? The mere 14 men he could summon now brought him the dead from the previous events of the war, swelling their numbers as more were brought in, which in turn, lead to more soldiers bringing more of the dead in. Even just around here the number of dead people were staggering; the piles of bodies and the number of soldiers that joined his ranks were rising exponentially. With each pile of bodies, he knelt down and offered them a prayer, the droning, fluttering and headache inducing chant reverberating through his head ignored wholesale as the bodies burst, a soldier emerging from each burst shell. He did not see, or could not see each soldier's wrongness, some morphing for a brief moment into unfathomable shapes before returning to normal. Their shape was right but they did not feel right. [color=c4df9b][i]Ia! Cthulu fthagn.[/i][/color] Slowly the force under his banner was starting to look more and more like an army; there was already a small group of horsemen as well as larger heavier equipment like a cannon. But it was not enough, he did not feel he had enough. The horsemen rode off to bring him more soldiers, he did not have enough to save the town. He did not have enough to save the town. He did not have enough to save his face. He did not have enough to face the Saint. He did not have enough to say he had done everything he could. He did not have enough to save them. He did not have enough to save the Saint. He did not have [i]gof'nn'bthn klw'nafh uh'e[/i]. Gilles held his head, feeling as if a bad dream was coming on, as well as a headache. [color=c4df9b][i]Master, this is a perilous situation. I have already started gathering an army here, to move now would be to surrender territory. I do not know how many there are, but I can feel many of them already converging upon this place. I will hold them off with the best of my abilities, and with what meager resources I have at my disposal. I believe you are safe with the other Masters and Servants, thus I will not return to your side.[/i][/color] He paused the communications with his master for a moment. [color=c4df9b][i]Unless you have a better plan laid out of course.[/i][/color] Communications was important in a war, Gilles was not one that needed to be told that, thus being told to simply go back and defend did not convince him in the slightest, not when he has a course of action that he feels would be more advantageous. Already his numbers was swelling to near a hundred and still growing alarmingly fast.