As the bolt neared her, her body began to dissipate around where the attack would have struck. It shot through her, and was absorbed by a small orb of red energy in front of Yzeira afterwards. [color=00aeef]"I think all traces of that beast have left my body. Combat has never been my strong suit. But I always spent my life defending each and every last principal that I held dear from ignorant savages like you. That part of my hasn't changed."[/color] A flash of light sparked in Yzeira's eyes. [color=00aeef]"As always, I'll try my best-"[/color] [color=ed1c24][b]"And I will support you every step of the way.[/b][/color] [center][hr] [h1]~ End Of Chapter 213 ~[/h1][/center]