[hr] [center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/gO8WLp/Ginglasses.png[/img] [h2][color=darkorange][b]FUJIMURA[/b][/color][/h2] [h3]Traveling ===> DDD Hotsprings[/h3] [hr] [/center] [center][color=darkorange]"... [i]Chiron[/i]? What's going on? [i]Chiron[/i]?! [i][b]CHIROOOOOON![/b][/i]"[/color][/center] Something was wrong. Something was [i]very[/i] wrong. It's as if the consequences of the war, the countless misdeeds caused by all those who have participated in this massacre, all accumulated to this one specific event. Of course, with how careless everyone has been during this war, it only made sense that something beyond everyone's control would stir from its slumber. Everyone in Fuyuki had most likely felt it. [b]FUJIMURA[/b] was no exception. Rushing over to the hot springs at speeds far beyond that of a normal man, [b]FUJIMURA[/b] was frantic in reaching the others before it was too late. Of course, if they have felt it too, they would have had a similar reaction that [b]FUJIMURA[/b] himself had... which was exactly what he was worried about. Because whatever his Servant, whatever Chiron had told him, it would mean that perhaps their most obvious reaction would lead to everyone's destruction... Bursting through the doors and into the room where all the participants of the Holy Grail War had gathered for the meeting, [b]FUJIMURA[/b] brought his hands up in an attempt to get everyone's attention. [b][color=darkorange]"Stop! Halt! Whatever you all do, [i]don't[/i] blow up the pub!"[/color][/b] Bending over and gasping for breath as he placed his hands on his knees, [b]FUJIMURA[/b] took his time getting back his bearing as he tried to make an effort to explain what's going on. [color=darkorange]"Whatever's in there... whatever the hell that woke up, that broke every damn thing in this city... the only thing that's stoppin' it is that cave. Archer... he's tryin' his best to hold it back, but he's havin' a hard time doin' just that. Now, I don't know who most of ya are, and to tha ones I've 'eard about, I only have a few angry words to exchange, but... that [i]thing[/i] out there, in that cave... that's beyond whatever damn war we're fightin'. If that thing is set lose, then... it's over. This war, this city, everything... "So I must ask, to all of ya... I need yer help. Archer needs yer help. [b]Fuyuki[/b] needs yer help. Whatever's in that cave, the only thing we could do now is help Archer seal it... 'cause if, and when, it comes out, I... I don't know. Even if we, by some miracle, manage to stop it after it emerges, Fuyuki will still be... "[/color] [b]FUJIMURA[/b]... no, Gin began to stand tall. The idea of losing his entire city to this [i]beast[/i] made his knees weak and his arms heavy. Imagining such an event to happen filled Gin with so much dread that he felt like he'd crumble underneath all that weight. All that pressure, placed on him, to protect his own home. Despite this all, however, he still continued to stand tall. In the face of adversity, of overwhelming odds, Gin does not desire to falter, no matter how seemingly hopeless the situation seems to be or how tilted the odds are. Truly, Gin tried his best to represent the greatest example of humankind; to overcome all obstacles. And besides, looking wimpy about it all will probably be uncool, anyways. [color=darkorange][b]"I, Gin Yoshiyaki, protector of Fuyuki, ask to those who call themselves heroes, those shining beacons of humanity, as well as to those who had called upon such great existences... to fight alongside me and stop this threat from emerging from that cave! This isn't something that we can't be scattered or alone for! We must stand together, as humankind against this thing that seeks to overwrite us all! Whatever this city had to offer you all, whether it was the promise of a wish or just a playground for your whims... all of that will be lost if this thing gets out of its cave... and it won't stop there. We are humanity's last stand! [center][h3]"So to everyone who wishes to help me save this city and stand by my side, put your glasses on and let's get to it!"[/h3][/center][/b][/color]