[color=00aeef]"By that logic, I suppose that I'm also a figment of your collective imagination? Hah!"[/color] The blue energy stopped behind Jenso and turned into an orb before exploding with a great deal of force. Yzeira, from afar began to launch volleys of energy at both Jeff and Bruce. Jeff activated his one-with-wind transformation and bolted out of the way, while Bruce used his windboard to do the same. Jeff's body appeared behind Yzeira and he stabbed towards his back. [color=7ea7d8]"A little slow, aren't-"[/color] He weapon snapped against the man's barrier and the chaotic energy began to climb his arm. Jeff was forced to eject his gauntlet as it faded away to nothingness. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh. Well. Crud."[/color] Bruce appeared in [i]front of him[/i] and swung his anti-void blade at the man's shield, but stopped half-way through his swing as a spike of red energy nearly pierced his heart. He retreated as several more spike appeared out of thin air in an attempt to skewer him. [color=0072bc][i]"He's too fast. Even if I were to sacrifice myself, I don't think I'll be able to get a clean hit in. Without my Ki, this blade is nothing more than a length of cold steel."[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]"I must stop falling into the trap of my own hubris,"[/color] Yzeira Muttered. Suddenly Jeff's right gauntlet was destroyed by a random explosion of energy that had been gathering in his arm. [i]'Blup! Keep your focus high! If Yzeira's energy gathers in one of your limbs for long enough unnoticed...'[/i] As the explosion faded, Jeff's right arm was revealed to be [i]completely gone.[/i] [i]'...It can be lethal!'[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Otherwise my aim will always be [i]off its mark.[/i]"[/color] [i]'Focus your ki to stave off his more focused energy!'[/i] Crimson power began to gather in both Jenso's left leg and his right shoulder. Bruce felt it in his head, but surged his ki upwards to expel it before it could explode. [color=0072bc][i]"All this while he's maintaining this field and launching off tangible attacks. This is impossible."[/i][/color] [color=00aeef]"I may have been much more reasonable than him, but Teshra has always had a more [i]brilliant[/i] mind than I or Nexus. My biggest regret was not acknowledging it back then..."[/color] Alexis rose both hand and launched a wave of smokey black mist at Jenso from his front. [i]'5 more seconds!'[/i]