Jenso gave a small, nasty smirk at Alexis as he heard the orb explode behind him. [color=f26522]"Not everything is what it seems."[/color] He mumbled. He lowered his body closer towards the ground, and a flame whip emerged from his right leg which dug one of it's ends into the ground and the rest wrapped around his leg, to hold the man in place to brace against the incoming force from behind. He focused the barrier he'd made around himself onto his left leg and right shoulder, in an attempt to disperse and expell the energy that was latching onto him into an explosive display of blue energy. He couldn't respond in time to avoid Shaidra's mist, but launched a blue spear at Yzeira's head. [i][color=f26522]'Don't give up...we can do this!'[/color][/i] He told his friends.