The night grows restless as two men exit a rundown building, talking filling the air, walking towards a car. "So, like, are you sure about this?" "Yeah man! And if it doesn't go off, all we got to do is drive away, no harm no foul." "Okay, how the hell can you believe the guy?" "Because my guy works for another guy who works for the guy who's gonna set it off the bomb!" "Fine! So, what are we gonna do?" "Easy, when everything starts going to hell and stuff, we're just gonna sneak and get my cousin out" "You may want to rethink your plan." The two men, on opposite sides of the car, twist around in shock. Looking down from a street light was shadowed figure with two glowing red eyes. The men froze only for a second, before reaching for pistols stuffed in their pants. Quickly, the figure lashes her arm out, a chain wrapping around the arm of the guy closest to her, pulling him into the air before jumping down herself, slamming him into the ground. The other man had pulled out his gun and started firing at her. She hastily ducked and crawled towards the car, out of the light. The other man swung his gun around wildly, trying to find the figure. Suddenly, he was swept off his feet, landing on his back hard. She then emerged from under the car, having pulled his leg, and crouched over him. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her face. "What were you doing?" She asked quietly. "Pl-please we we-r-ren't doing anything!" He shouted in panic. "TALK!" "OKAY OKAY! He was telling me about someone doing a break at the Meta Prison, with a bomb! Pl-please don't hurt me." He answered. She stared hard at him, before throwing him down hard, the back of his head hitting the pavement, knocking him out. She stood up, thinking of the implications of just one of the villains getting out. She turned her head to the richer part of the city, summoning her wings. The Jersey Devil had work to do.