Yuki nodded at Cronic knowingly, “There was something like that at home, too! The guards would finish their duties and go to the communal hall to drink. The next morning, they would always visit the shrine to ask for a spell that could end their headaches and poor stomachs. Unfortunately, no spell exists like that to my knowledge. I don’t understand why they drank it, if it caused such pain.” The teen explained, innocent and yet free from any kind of influencing substance. ————— Aria sighed gleefully in their way to the tavern, happy to let her hair down for a while. She’d told herself not to drink much, or the morning journey would hurt... But once the first jar goes down the hatch, another would have to follow. Self-control never really kicked in when there was fun to be had! As Aria pushed the door open, she looked back to Serena. “Just one or two, then home. Yeah?” she asked, confident in her ability to stop whenever she felt like it!