Indy had a far easier time with conversation. Though he preferred to listen, engaging with people was never a problem. [color=8882be]"It's okay, I mean, it's nice not having my parents around,"[/color] he said dryly. Joan nodded. "I can definitely attest to that!" The group continued with conversation for about an hour. There was laughter, and the topics ranged from the pokemon they had, to their struggles, to growing up in their respective cities. Joan was certainly an intelligent girl, but she overstepped the border on being a know-it-all too. Indy found her to be somewhat insufferable at times in their conversation. Finally, as they were wrapping up... [color=8882be]"But I mean, going way back to what you asked before, I'm not that into the whole pokemon journey thing. To be honest, I feel like I'm just here sometimes,"[/color] Indy admitted. Joan looked at him critically, but he didn't notice, continuing. [color=8882be]"This all just seems... Pretty difficult I guess."[/color] His mind flashed to the two losses he'd had earlier that day. Mimzy stared at her human with interest. What was the sadness behind his eyes? He seemed more approachable than before, a little more caring. She nibbled at his hand. [color=8882be]"I feel like I don't know what I'm doing."[/color] Joan let out a laugh, startling Indy. That had not been the reply he'd been expecting. Good thing the crimson blush couldn't be seen across his face because of thankfully dark complexion. [color=8882be]"What? What the hell?"[/color] He demanded. "What a wimp!" Joan chortled. Indigo gaped, blinking. This was not what he had wanted at all. He had wanted some empathy, some validation, some semblance that he wasn't the only one who felt this way. Instead, this girl was making a joke of his anxiety! Joan continued, relentless. "That's the kind of thinking that's going to make you a loser. Not like me though." She jabbed a thumb at her chest with pride. "You better shape up." [color=8882be]"Are you [i]serious[/i]? So you've just got all the answers?"[/color] Indigo demanded. He was trying to stay cool but this trainer was too much! Her confidence seemed to be overflowing to the point of arrogance. "Oh, spare me your indignance," Joan said casually, waving away Indy's feelings. "But yes, in fact I do [i]know[/i] that I have all the answers, so there!" And she let out another laugh again. "Don't take it personally. You kind of need a kick to your butt, honestly. I saw you training earlier and-" she scoffed. "Way to barely train your pokemon, [i]Indy.[/i] Honestly, you just leave them to train themselves while you barely do anything? You're putting like, less than zero effort into your pokemon. You should be ashamed." [color=8882be]'What-"[/color] He clutched Mimzy, who wasn't sure what was going on but it was upsetting. She pressed the button on her pokeball, opting to return back. "How can you expect to know what you're doing and what you want if you don't even try? Was it you, who lost to that one bug trainer earlier?" Joan asked. Indigo's eyes widened. No! He'd been wanting to keep that a secret! "I thought so. You should have won that battle, but despite your pokemon training, [i]you[/i] haven't been." [color=8882be]"What gives you the right to tell me what to do? I don't [i]care[/i] about training!"[/color] Indigo protested, not sure if he believed himself but this girl had guts to assume everything about him! [color=8882be]"And my pokemon don't care that I don't care! So-- arghh, whatever."[/color] He stood up. [color=8882be]"Nice talking to you Joan.[/color] He didn't hide the ire in his voice. [color=8882be]"I'm gonna go to bed. Dan, I'll be setting up camp."[/color] Since it was so late and he was exhausted, he couldn't bear to walk too far away just for the sake of not being next to Joan. "Aw come on, I'll help!" Joan piqued up. Indy rolled his eyes. [color=8882be]"Whatever."[/color] And as it was, the good natured Joan did help them set up their camp. She and Dan continued to converse, or perhaps they didn't; Indy wasn't paying attention. As they were all getting ready for bed though, she flashed Indy a grin. "Instead of being so mad about it, you could try to battle me. But I don't think you will. Tomorrow morning though, I'll be waiting to kick your ass." He didn't say anything, his stomach twisting. Why was everyone so obsessed with trying to change him? First Sydney, then this girl... He couldn't help but feel defensive. At the same time, he wondered if Joan was right... After saying goodnight to Dan, the cool night air swept a soothing breeze over the campsites, and all three trainers found themselves asleep.