The mood in the room plummeted now the time has finally arrived to fight this thing. Ambrose briefly thought again if he could just abandon all of this. But instead he nodded and got to work on draw the summoning circle. It didn't take too long for everyone to get set up, everyone working silently as they put the pieces together. Sam and Jeremy strengthened the barriers twice over and then a third time for good measure. It was the very best they could do. Ariana set the knives out in position around the circle, one knife for every member of the group. Ambrose took his place by a knife with a silver handle, the blade looked to be of obsidian substance. Alex stood at the next knife, while checking to make Ambrose's circle had all the required components. After everything could be done to prepare, they gathered around the circle. "Okay." Ambrose sighed, "Does the headmaster know the plan? If so, I think we can get started." Ambrose said, looking around the room.