[color=8882be]"Argh... Does she ever turn off,"[/color] Indigo muttered, burrowing himself into his sleeping bag and trying to plug his ears but alas, Joan was too annoying for that to work. He sat up glaring. [color=8882be]"Okay, okay, you can stop now!"[/color] "That only took you 32 seconds, not bad," Joan said happily. "I've got some stew going. You guys are welcome!" [i][color=8882be]Nobody asked. Ugh.[/color][/i] Indigo threw off his covers and made his way sleepily to the pot of cooking stew. It looked good-- loaded with carrots, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes. His stomach grumbled. [color=8882be]"Thanks for the grub,"[/color] he said grudgingly before taking a bowl and pouring a few ladles for himself. He noted Joan's pokemon. Buneary was definitely probably strong, Indigo thought. Hoppip and Cherubi he wasn't sure but if Joan was confident, she was probably confident for a reason. He let out his own pokemon: Hawka, Hero, and Mimzy. Immediately Mimzy ran over and warbled a worried mewl. The rising tension and loud voices last night had frightened her. Despite being physically strong, she was still a naive and shy pokemon at heart. [color=8882be]"Hm? What's wrong?"[/color] Indigo asked, gently scratching her ears and under her chin. [color=8882be]"Oh, right, you went back into your pokeball last night. Did I scare you, Mimzy? I'm sorry."[/color] The Buneary smiled, reassured, before running off to Hawka and Hero to share breakfast with them. Indy glanced at his pokemon, Joan's words echoing in his head, bouncing about his skull and rattling relentlessly. [i]"How can you expect to know what you're doing and what you want if you don't even try?" "Honestly, you just leave them to train themselves while you barely do anything?" "Despite your pokemon training, you haven't been." [/i] "You thought about that battle yet?" Joan piped up, a confident smile on her face as she interrupted Indy's thoughts. Though she may have seemed annoying, Joan was actually an enthusiastic and helpful girl at heart. Even if she didn't go about the best way of doing things, she wanted to help. Though her methods weren't always right or perfect, she tried doing the right thing. And to her, giving this trainer a wake-up call was a good deed indeed! Indy paused. [color=8882be]"Fine, you're on."[/color] He could hardly believe himself. He didn't want to battle, and after his losses from yesterday, he wondered if he would ever win a battle again. But one thing was for sure... He couldn't let anybody think he wasn't going to take a dare. That would have been uncool. The battle ended up being a loss for Indigo once more. Yes, type advantage and all should have had him the clear winner, but the truth was, he didn't train himself. He returned his pokemon, slumping. Why...? Why did he keep losing? Would he ever win? [hr] [hider=Current] Hawka the Torchic F- lvl 14+1=15 Hero the Burmy M -lvl 12+1=13 Mimzy the Buneary F- 14+1=15 Items: small pearl ×1 Kee Berry ×3+3 =6 pokeball ×3 Cheri berry x3 Actions: battled Joan. Lost. [/hider]