[center][img]https://imgur.com/l26x4si.png[/img] [color=f49ac2]❣ Upside Down & Inside Out - OK GO ❣[/color] [h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWGJA9i18Co&frags=pl%2Cwn]➳[/url][/h3][/center] [hr] Well, at least she’d be in her element here. The target seemed to be someone after Mieke’s own heart, frequenting botanical gardens and other flowery places. She was still horribly nervous about a possible confrontation with another Stand user, but the idea of having that confrontation in such a beautiful place surrounded by something she loves comforted her a little. Trying to ignore Hogan’s rather intimidating hiss, she spoke up, [color=f49ac2]“I could help check out the gardens and stuff. I, uh, really like places like those.”[/color] She turned to Leonard, [color=f49ac2]“I’d be cool with riding with you. I’ll just hold on [i]really[/i] hard.”[/color] Mieke looked down as her phone buzzed again, this time with a message from her mom. [i]How are things over there?[/i] That was an issue: how in the world was she going to explain this? Oh, it turns out I have a weird bird-monster-spirit-summon thing and I’m supposed to hunt down other people with spirit-monsters and maybe kill them? No. Of course not. That’d be ridiculous. She typed a quick, vague text in response. [i]Fine. Kinda weird.[/i] That was the best she could do.