[@bloonewb] "I cannot do that, Ardasa" Ternoc explained. "Doing so would be seen as an endorsement of kobold gods, and that would be seen as an affront to the dracon ones." Priests held quite a bit of power in Hekaga, especially in the absence of a proper king. Their words could move crowds to riot, even rebel. "Remember, as a monarch, my every move is scrutinized, and any misstep can be used as a pretext to defy my authority. This is doubly so, since I don't have the authority of a king. Still, I can direct that some kobolds pray with you." He spoke loudly enough so that several other kobolds in the temple could hear. As if on cue, a male and a female priest ran over to Ardasa and knelt down next to her, whispering prayers to Hetius. "Also keep in mind that all temples in Hekaga must offer sacrifices to the dracon gods, even this one." He didn't say more, but it was clear that a sacrificial altar was present in the temple, clearly situated in the middle of the main hall. Luckily, nothing more than sheep and goats were slain here.