Quilrith nodded as she listened to the gnome, shaking his hand. Come to think of it, Tergo was the one who had come to the aid of the halfling, wasn't he? She hadn't paid too much attention to where he had gone after the battle, but she did remember his attempt to ward off her attacker. It was certainly an attempt. One fluke does not a warrior make, though, according to her sister Esphora after a particularly embarrassing defeat. Though that might have been to make Brenfan's victory in their training session lose value, rather than to teach the spectators a lesson. The fond and distant memory only solidified the great weight of her quest and her purpose for being here, bringing her back to where she was at the moment. "Well," she said with an encouraging smile, "at least you're willing to stand up for what you believe in. Not all battles are won with blades and broken bones." After shaking the gnome's hand a few times, Quilrith withdrew her hand and placed it on her chin. A scholar who studied goblins? Not only that, but somebody who was interested in finding out their methods of living and what their society was like? What a curious field to study. Though Quilrith's own education was very limited due to her upbringing, the closest thing that they had to proper books were tomes about the local flora and fauna surrounding her clan's forest. Of course, they several other books as well, though Quilrith struggled to wrap her head around them, and thus she dismissed them. How many books were there really on goblins? A frown crossed her face, which she quickly covered up by her hand. Perhaps it may be a good idea to briefly change the subject. "You're a goblinologist?" Quilrith asked. "I, uh, can't say I've met any goblinologists, but it's good to see that it's a growing field. I'm what's called an astronomer, myself. I think it's really fascinating, seeing things that are so high in the sky at night. The stars, they feel so close to us, but yet they remain just beyond our grasp." She smiled for a second, letting her hands drop to her side. After an uncomfortable bit of silence, she cleared her throat and turned her gaze back to the gnome. In the back of her mind, she was curious to know what would happen if they were the ones who had ransacked the caravan. What would be done if they took the life of the girl's parents? What if they killed the girl? Concern crossed Quilrith's face as she considered the growing possibility that either of these were happening right now. "Anyways, I guess it's a good thing one of us knows how to converse with goblins," she pointed out with a concerned smile. "Perhaps we might be able to resolve this without violence." She doubted it, but as long as she was willing to give it a try, it was certainly possible.