[center]January 5th, 1910 Hieros, Capitol of Luminaria Oracle's Palace, Outside the Great Halls on the Balcony overlooking the Ydra River [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/fc/88/65fc88f2840307d17546adb92fa80f7d.jpg[/img][/center] A tall dark man stood on the balcony overlooking the seemingly translucent water below as small waves took their form close to the shores of Hieros. His loose dress cascaded over itself as it draped over one shoulder exposing his left breast and back. The man's hair lay long and straight reaching just between his traps, his neck bent back as his eyes were directed toward the sun but the lids shielding his pupils from the blinding rays. A deep inhalation as he slowly crossed his legs, lowering himself down onto a soft pillow in the middle of the balcony. The man made sure to erect his back to prevent any form of curvature that would create any discomfort. Posture was everything, his feet crossed in a "lotus" position, still his head cocked back to allow the sun's rays to transfer light through his eyes, awakening the senses. The warm embrace of the sun could be felt all across the exposed parts of his attire where the flesh was being kissed by its heat waves. A breeze cut through the door way of the balcony rushing passed the man's ears, completely relaxed in his entirety, one more deep inhalation, pause, and exhale. The sound of feet marched through the halls of what sounded to be behind the man's location. The sounds of these feet clicking against the stone floor as the vibrations bounced off the open halls of the palace. The man remained with his eyes closed in complete silence, his attention drawing on the wind, the sounds of birds, the crashing of waves, and... "Oracle Naseri, we apologize for our interuption of your morning meditation, but we have come with considerably important news in regards to the Eastern powers." A young man knelt down on one knee behind Naseri with his hand extended to the floor while the other rested on his bent knee. Oracle Visent Naseri inhaled deeply once more as he listened to the young man make his claim to the news he brought with him, "proceed young one," the Oracle said. The young man continued, "The Prince of Rotteburg is dead, he was said to have been assassinated in the Tsuljin Khanate, we've dispersed agents to confirm this claim, but from our understanding it is quite grounded information, and one being shared across the world." His tongue stopped, eyes gazing down on the floor as to keep himself in check within the Oracle's presence. It was not every day one interrupted the mindful practice of the Oracle's morning meditation. Naseri dropped his head back to a level position and opened his eyes for the first time in the last half hour or so. His soul feeling rejuvinated, even though the news was unpleasant, "The beauty of the world is here for all to see, yet we busy ourselves complicating the beauty with our desires, is it not interwoven into our fate to settle as brother and sister? To continue the charade of shadow play, to pretend we are so different from the other? It seems so...at least in our gifted time of life." Naseri paused as his voice settled into a fade, "I wish to call upon The Psyche for ideas as to how we will respond to such an event, I am sure the world shifts as we speak in great movement as the waves grow and fall with haste before us, we are in an ocean of dominoes, and let it be that we find our fit into the great story ready to unfold before us." Naseri contemplated all of the powers across the globe, he knew of Rotteburg, their allies, and their enemies. A house of cards everyone built around them, now that the wind has blown harshly, the question of whether they fall or not remains. The young man tried understanding all of what the Oracle said, but would need more than those moments to find the insight. He did however acknowledge the request of the Oracle Naseri and stood up clasping the palms of his hands. Bending at the waist to pay his respects of departure before turning his back on the Oracle who still remained seated in the direction of the Ydra river. The young man hastily walked out, which inevitably turned into a run once clear of the room. He was to gain the attention of the Psyche and report to them on the request of their Oracle. [center]January 6th, 1910 Hieros, Capitol of Luminaria The Ground of Thoughts, a hidden location within the Palace grounds. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/89/b7/d189b7b2fd7ac770be05bb418af1adfd.jpg[/img][/center] The summons of the Psyche meant the Oracle's most trusted advisors would come together for proper counsel in responding appropriately to the recent assassination of the Prince in a foreign land. The world powers would be shifting their positions and to prepare accordingly was of the upmost importance, especially as trade would become effected, movement restricted, with the world on edge everywhere as to who brings what to the table in regards to "War". Oracle Naseri stood in the center of the circle as the moon lit night shined down on the grounds. Each advisor in their respective places ready to provide their opinions on the matter, "Good evening to the Mindful, I hope good will has walked with all of you since our last summit, as I am sure you are all aware, we are here for the discussion of Rottenburg's previous loss in life, who would like to begin?" Naseri already knew each man and woman apart of this council had been thinking what they wished to bring up and wanted to let the gates of opportunity in voicing these thoughts immediately. "I rise, Jeniva, the sixth finger of Baal, advisor to the Oracle of Luminaria, and priestess to the Geradamas." Jeniva was a slender beauty of perfect proportions, her hair shorter than that of her Oracle's, but she was a Geradamas by blood and they're style remained quite unique when compared to any other Luminarian. Everyone knew when they were in the presence of pure Geradamas, even if Geradamas typically concealed themselves a majority of the time. Reasons were because of the natural life span a Geradamas had, nearly 300 years worth to be exact. This out numbered vastly that of the ordinary citizen, and because of this life span the Geradamas always had great influence in Luminaria, but tried their best not to make too much noise as to exploit their natural advantage in the political stage. "You may rise Jeniva, speak freely in considering our movements from here." The Oracle acknowledged Jeniva with respect and nodded. "I believe it is our duty to remain neutral, to watch over our kin, to observe the powers directly afflicted by such an act of cowardice. No more, no less, if we react as they may do, we may find ourselves in a disorienting mess of politics and hate." Jeniva paused, "Let us tip toe around the issue, stay outside the sphere and when it is right, let us dip the toes into the water of the night." Her poetic remark resonated with the audience as each one nodded in response to her stance, she knelt as to signal her last remark as the closing one. Another member stood as she knelt, "I rise, Kiyar, the fourth finger of Garato, advisor to the Oracle of Luminaria, and master of the Northern Borders." Naseri turned to Kiyar to acknowledge Kiyar. "I believe we should increase agent activity in the lands that hold the most power, or open our eyes and ears to the words that sing their names, if we are to seize the appropriate moment then we must be proactive in our ability to gather information. If we can open up our networks across borders and remain online with the movements of those powers, we can readily take advantage of both sides through offering our production capabilities among other trade opportunities and services that will be required if a war is to be declared." Kiyar paused, "I agree with Jeniva, remain outside the issue, but play on its opportunities." Kiyar knelt to close his addition to the conversation. Naseri nodded in acknowledgement to the idea of Kiyar but was uncertain at how that may play out. If they were to touch the side of one nation over another would it automatically reel them into conflict with the other? As it always would, depend on the scale of war being unpacked among the sides. If it were a great scale, then every nation would be criticized for any movement within it or outside of it. There was virtually no way of staying out of complete conflict with one side over the other. Although Luminaria is positioned far from the stage, it’s neighbors may have their own agendas as to who’d they support. It would be interesting waters to navigate. One more advisor stood up from her position, “I rise, Bella, the ninth finger of Khal, advisor to the Oracle of the Luminaria.” Before she continued, Naseri was already gazing into her eyes, her soul always full of life, a pair of blue iris’ that were difficult to disconnect from. She shifted her gaze away from him in respect which prompted him to do so as well as the trance had almost drew him completely in. “We offer aid for those impacted by the war…we do not pick sides, we do not capitalize on the destruction, instead we support the people who will be caught in the crossfire. These people will be forced to look for new homes and a place worthy of security. I find it is fitting with our principles that we offer a safe haven for these people, whoever they may be.” Naseri looked back to Bella as she had already been looking at Naseri, the two smiled, and she placed her gaze back down to kneel once more. Naseri announced, “Is there anyone else who wishes to speak?” The group of advisors clenched their fists and with the meaty part of their hand stamped the ground three times to signal their readiness to be finished. “Ok, thank you everyone for coming, as expected there is much to think on. I do not believe I will have any answer as to what we will do until the events continue unfolding. We are in no position to declare or side with anyone and we are far enough away for now to take our time in these matters. I will declare to our people and any of those who wish to listen that we do not condone the acts of the cowards. Otherwise, this concludes matters, each of you will be meeting with me separately as the days continue and I look forward to all of your counsel.” Naseri stretched his hands toward the sky and clapped them together bringing them down to heart center, the clapping sound echoed off the stone walls telling the others to rise. Each advisor stood up to perform the same action as Naseri, bowing forward and exiting the Grounds.