[h3][center]~~Ebon Shael & The Wreck of the Eventide~~[/center][/h3] [@Shoryu][@Double] [hr] Hmm. They didn't seem to be saying anything. That's okay, they were probably just shy! She was quite the important and intimidating figure after all, tee-hee! Any little Ebon that met her would of course, be shy around her! She was beautiful and talented, after all! Hee! Grinning beneath her mask, Shael's eye's lit up as tapped the ends of her fingers together as she decided to take matters into her own hands. "Hee! This is fine! This one understands shyness! Yes yes, expected in the presence of the Jester, the Presidents most trusted Ebon!" Giggling brightly, her ethereal musical voice as jovial as ever. Spinning in place, she let her arms extend to their full length. Extending one arm behind her head and reaching for her foot she did her best show of 'interpretive dance' by doing a serious of acrobatic and rather complicated looking acrobatics that could only be possibly of someone with similar physiology. She leaped into the air, twisting and flipping before landing, stretching her body in rather funny ways. Except - There was an audible cracking noise as she landed. "Ah..." Shael's body suddenly felt limp, falling to the ground as she slowly waved a hand. Jessiel seemed to float over in a matter of seconds, look down at the Jester, and simply kicked her lightly on the head. "Gah! I'll die! Seriously die!" "Follow doctors orders next time." He grunted, glancing over to their guests, sighing. "Internal bleeding. Re-fractured your ribs. Probably tore a muscle too." Motioning for their new friends to follow, Jessiel held out his hands and focused on Shael. A few seconds later, she floated off of the ground as Jessiel moved to the medbay. The medical bay would be quite foreign to the ponies. The sleek design of the ship seemed to extend to the interior and equipment as well. Jessiel sat Shael down on a table. "Sedation. Can't have you moving around again." "Tsk, no fun!" "Do you [i]want[/i] to die?" Jessiel growled back. "Fine fine! This one will sleep and dream of the presidents warm-" She didn't finish the sentence before Jessiel placed a hand on her head, applying a powerful sleeping spell. "I'll silence you for her." He sighed, before the healing waters of twilight formed in his hand. Moving them up and down her injured body and doing his best to mend the wounds as best he could. Maybe surgery would be needed later, but for now she was in mostly stable condition as long as she didn't do anything else stupid. Glancing over to the Ponies, he waved a hand dismissively, seemingly having dismissed their presence as a curiosity now and nothing more, he left, leaving Astral and Luna alone with Shael. At least he seemed to trust they weren't hostile or had ill intent.