Mori took the claws to the face but twisted his head in way that only allowed him to get raked across his cheek, and right side of his fae before he grabbed onto Zion's hand and kicked him full force in the chest just hard enough to get loose, and back off. He coughed as he got air back into his lungs, and glared at Zion as the fire villain looked at him. [color=f7941d]"I can toast'em if you want big guy."[/color] the guy said confidently raising his hands causing an arc of fire balls to appear in the air around him. [color=39b54a]"That hurt! But pain only makes me want to beat your ass more! Teachers, no teachers, whatever! I'm going to destroy you!"[/color] Mori growled at Zion as a fireball was sent towards his him dodged and kept his distance as the fire villain taunted him calling him a 'little kitty' as he sent another ball of fire at him which was promptly dodged due to the wolf boy's speed. ==== "Damn it...sorry." the shielder said painfully as he slid back down the hill carefully in order to get some distance away from the kid's shots. The kid on top aimed at the ground the shielder as rolling and tried to make sure he wouldn't prove a problem by making sure he was out of the game. The Chi girl on the other hand fearfully looked down at Aya, and backed off for a moment before shaking her head, and spit up another large wad of water directly at Aya. === As the group scattered around the area they began closing in like Verd had suggested. It didn't take long however as one of the thugs on the left hand side called out before suddenly being silenced by something. The group moved in only to get smacked in the face by an invisible wall of 'something'. On the other end two girls, and one nerdy looking boy were standing still however the nerd kid was holding his hands up but not to surrender he threw them forward as if to punch someone but instead something struck the female thug that had been with them sending her flying into a nearby building. The other thugs opened fire on the kid with lethal force but he put up a barrier to protect himself, and the others the bullets ricocheting off it everywhere it pained the kid but he kept it up.