[hider=A Horny Furby] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Furbaide Ferbend [*][u][b]Class[/b][/u]: Assassin [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=https://i.imgur.com/4OLDtrr.png]C E L T I C B O D Y S U I T S[/url] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Assassin is a "boy", and as a boy, he lacks the wisdom and maturity of a "man". This does not stop him from insisting he is a man, however. He strives to become a better warrior and prove he can handle himself, but often finds he has a soft-heartedness ill-fit for a warrior. Thus he claims his goal for the Holy Grail is “bragging rights”, but that’s probably not what it is. Similarly, Assassin can often be found trying to imitate the mannerisms of those he respects greatly, which is why he exhibits outward mannerisms like those of a blue dog. He possesses a fondness for cheese and cheese-flavored products except for cream cheese, and gets mad when people call him by his lame birth name (Diarmaid) and not his much cooler name of Furbaide Ferbend (approx. Cutting Horned Man). [*][u][b]Stats[/b][/u]: [list][*][u]Strength[/u]: D [*][u]Endurance[/u]: E [*][u]Agility[/u]: A [*][u]Mana[/u]: C [*][u]Luck[/u]: A [*][u]Noble Phantasm[/u]: B[/list] [*][u][b]Class Skills[/b][/u]: [indent]Presence Concealment: B+ Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear and become extremely difficult to be detected. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack... would be the normal case. Instead, Presence Concealment does not drop until Assassin's first attack has already commenced. This is because, in legend, Assassin was never detected by the target of his assassination, nor anyone else.[/indent] [*][u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u]: [indent]Rune Magic: C Possession of Runes - the Magic Crest of Northern Europe. As a member of the Knights of the Red Branch and protege of the greatest of their number, Assassin is versed in the use of the four runes passed among their order: Algiz, Nauthiz, Ansuz, and Ingwaz. Although not a magus by any means, Assassin is well-versed in the applications of what little he knows--especially when it comes to launching runestones from a sling. Blinding Visage: B A skill similar to, but inherently different from, Rosy Cheeked Adonis. If that skill is denotes a youthful beauty that charms, this skill refers to a supernatural beauty that overwhelms. When employed against an individual, it functions as a stunning mental attack. In life, Assassin employed this skill against the forces of the Erainn people, who would rather die than tarnish his cute little face, as well as against Cu Chulainn himself, whose Warp Spasm was abetted merely by the sight of Assassin's tears. Horned One: EX The right granted to heroes identified with the archetypal horned god of the Celts. It is said that the three horns of horned god represent the branches of the trees, his animal nature, and his crown as "king" of the wilderness. Assassin was born into this world via caesarean section from his mother's waterlogged corpse. Born from death with three horns atop his head, Assassin has been identified with the god Cernunnos, and his legend has been considered one possibly representing a conflict between the old gods of agrarian and hunter communities. This skill appends a status of "one with the wild" onto those who possess it. That is, in "wilderness" areas Assassin is granted extension of senses and detective capabilities across, and constant concealment of presence within, the limits of the appropriate area. At the same time, abilities and parameters receive a significant demerit in areas associated with civilization. To fight Assassin is to fight the wilderness itself, but it is certainly unfortunate for Assassin that humanity has become very good at fighting the wilderness. [/indent] [*][u][b]Noble Phantasm(s)[/b][/u]: [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Great Horned Hunt - Birthright of the Wild King [*][u]Rank[/u]: B (A) [*][u]Type[/u]: Unknown [*][u]Appearance[/u]: N/A [*][u]Effects[/u]: In broadest possible terms, a Noble Phantasm tied to the feat of "killing Queen Medb with a piece of sling-shot cheese". However that is only a byproduct of this Noble Phantasm. It is much more accurately represented as the embodiment of two things: “the nature of Assassin’s weapon” and “Assassin’s own nature”. Assassin’s signature weapon, the sling, is one of the first weapons developed by humanity for the use of hunting and for war. This is because the sling is a weapon of the utmost simplicity: anything one can load into a sling, one can use as a weapon. Stones, small toys, fruit... even a piece of cheese all are valid bullets when combined with a sling. A sling then is not a complete “weapon” itself, but rather something that turns things that are not weapons into weapons. Assassin himself is a face the divine hunter that both saves and slaughters those that dwell in his domain to perpetuate the cycle of rebirth. His legend, particularly the feat most associated with this Noble Phantasm, has been interpreted as being a euhemerized expression of a divine conflict between a maternal fertility figure associated with civilization and a phallically-horned figure associated with the wild. As a Noble Phantasm is the ultimate expression of a hero’s legend, this Noble Phantasm draws on these two facets of his identity. Rather than a treasured sling, it is much more similar to a technique or a combat style that utilizes that sling. It receives a rank up in areas where Horned One is applicable. When this Noble Phantasm is used, ammunition is granted the status of a Noble Phantasm weapon with equivalent rank to this Noble Phantasm (or retains its rank if somehow Assassin acquires another Noble Phantasm) and an anti-civilization attribute. When the ammunition is loosed, a “shot of selective slaughter” is exhibited, which becomes variably Anti-Unit or Anti-Army as the targets demand. Failure to hit results excess magical energy fostering the rapid development of flora in the area rather than an explosive impact; a shot that selects is only supposed to kill the people it chooses after all. [/list] [*][b][u]Alignment[/u][/b]: Chaotic Neutral [*][b][u]Changes[/u][/b]: N/A [*][u][b]Faction:[/b][/u] Red[/list][/hider] Master hypothetically up later but practically probably not.