[@Dezuel] We are more than happy to help you build a Servant, like Reflection said we're all pretty friendly dudes. Class skills aren't too bad, each class has their own set class skills after all. Personal skills and Noble Phantasm are where things get tricky, but a lot is doable when creating a Servant and we're ready to help. [@Parallel Hearts] I think that Lancer Artoria would be fundamentally unsummonable even if it were from a Lostbelt due to the fact that she has never died. The Artoria of FSN is only summonable because of the contract she made with the world. Even if a similar contract was made with Lancer Artoria, she would not be summonable into this world, only her own world. [@King Cosmos] I struggle with Magic in the Fate universe, it's some complicated stuff at times lol. There will be several Sabers and such most likely, the IC reason being strange behavior on the part of the Holy Grail, the OOC reason being we're kind of screwed if our only Saber just drops off the face of the planet out of nowhere. [@ everyone else] I'm super glad to hear you're all interested! If anyone has further questions, feel free to ask any of the GMs, we'll do our best to answer.