[@vancexentan] [color=fff200][i][b]VERDREHTE[/b][/i][/color] He had thought they would not find anyone, But it seemed he was wrong as one of the thugs was thrown against a near by building. "Keeping firing, And someone cover me while i try and get closer towards them" He yelled out pulling out his dagger, It seemed he was going to have his fun after all. "And don't kill the kids or i'll have your head on a palter" He added yelling out and rushing at he group of children. His plan was to try and exhaust the kid with the barrier and try to grab or maim one of the girls, Verd wondered what the other two girl's abilities where. So that is why he asked to be covered as well because she did not know the extend of the two girl's powers. Running towards them and hopefully trying to burn out the nerdy boy so he could get close to them to hold one of them hostage.