[center][h1][color=steelblue]Astral Gleam[/color][/h1] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Shoryu][/center] [hr] The Unicorn's horn began to glow as he prepared to cast the spell. Even his coat seemed to take on a bit of a different shine. Something about casting advanced enough spells was known to sort of amplify the crystalline nature of a Crystal Pony's mane and coat. Some called this the "Crystal Effect". That effect seemed to be shining through a bit as Astral channeled his magic to conjure another translation circle. This circle would be a bit larger than the first in order for more entities to fit within it. That increase in size likely increased the level of the spell and - by extension - was responsible for producing a brief Crystal Effect over Astral's mane and coat. He hesitated briefly when the playful visitor seemed to crumple over. Even across planets and worlds, it was fairly easy to recognize when someone was in pain. The unicorn hadn't been present at the castle the entire time, so he knew little about any of the mishaps anyone suffered there. Still, the visitor he spoke to earlier appeared to treat her, so perhaps it wasn't such a serious deal. He started to leave, though, which would have rendered Astral alone with the Princess and the unconscious visitor. That wouldn't do at all. They needed to speak to [i]someone[/i], and not just babysit a sleeping person. And so Astral ended his hesitation and placed the translation circle before the other visitor could get out of range. "Wait don't leave." he said, his equine neighs and whinnies being partially translated by the circle, "Princess Luna, one of our Royals. Rude to leave her without speaking, yes?" hopefully he simplified the phrasing enough to be understood. Clearly he didn't want the other visitor to leave. It was quite a bit of trouble directing the Princess to this place. And the stress of having to maintaining a larger circle was taking its toll on the unicorn as well. As such, he refused to leave until his efforts produced [i]some[/i] kind of results. This was more like the Astral his colleagues back home knew and... loved? Well, maybe "tolerated" was a more accurate word. Either way, this sort of tenacity and downright manipulation was something he gained a lot of infamy for back in the Crystal Empire. "He should understand you, Princess, at least mostly. Like I said, the translation is imperfect. You may want to simplify your word choice as much as possible to ensure an accurate translation..." he said, breathing slightly heavier due to exerting his power to maintain the circle. He could hold it for a time, but he would certainly run out of energy sooner or later if they dawdled for too long.