Once Crow was up in the saddle besides her, she gave the horse a soft kick so it moved to follow after William. Penelope was glad that the horse was well mannered, it even seemed to hold a good deal of focus when given commands and was not easily distracted. [i]Hopefully not easily spooked either..[/i] She thought, knowing some horses were easily scared by threats. If the nobleman they had stolen them from was a knight, it was unlikely that either of the horses would be skittish. After a little while of traveling, she felt Crow slip his arms around her waist and lean against her. She glanced over her shoulder at him and gave a quiet chuckle. "So much for that 'control' you talked about." She teased. Penelope couldn't blame him too much though. She was rather tired too and if given the chance, she'd glad lie down for a nap. However, there wouldn't be time for her to do so until they stopped for the night since she had to keep awake to command the horse as they rode on. The warmth of Crow pressed against her drew a yawn out of the knight despite her effort to suppress it. She shook her head, trying to shake off the weariness that was creeping up on her again. She blinked her eyes a couple times to get rid of the heaviness that was beginning to set in. "I don't think it's a good idea to fall asleep while riding a horse though. You might just fall off and I'm strong but I don't think I'll be able to catch you." She warned him with a small smirk.