[b][i]Ashton Andrews[/i][/b] Ashton looked on in fascination as a ball of fire appeared in Mist's hand; relief washing over his face as he knew he was right: This was their rescue. He had to talk fast in order to ensure said rescue, though, as Mist appeared willing to reconsider [i]plus[/i] the rest of his group might not want to go with himself and the Catboy. The young man breathed in and out and said to the Catboy and the little adventurer, "We're harmless people who got taken away from our far-away land and put here. Yes, we have a magical device, but it was a gift, a gift that we don't know the value of in this Kingdom." A smile, "And sure; we'd be up for some adventure! So take us wherever you want -" Then the Japanese boy spoke. Turning to Kimura in shock, Ashton registered the other boy's words before saying, "You can't do that! You'll be tortured, then killed, or be just killed! Do you really want to suffer?!" [i]Flame wouldn't be so trusting,[/i] Ashton thought. [i]Neither of this adventurer lady or the fireball-wielding Catboy.[/i] Ashton froze, trying to make a decision... Before handing over his phone to the Catboy, placing it in his free hand. His next words were, "Here's the device, keep it; we won't need it where we're going." He walked back to Kimura, saying, "I'm not abandoning you; I'm not a coward. If you want to hand yourself over to the authorities, I'll hand myself over as well." Turning to Aer, Ashton said, "We're ready, Miss Pacifica. I am sorry for giving you such trouble by trying to bust myself out. Just... If the authorities don't look too kindly on us, ask that the youngest of us be executed as painlessly as possible." Tears fell from his eyes. [i]I'll never see Flame again, or Pidgey II, or my parents...[/i] A thought. [i]Unless the timeline resets once more. But can we count on it?[/i]