[center][color=#808080]Well, you made it... The big leagues, but are you ready for it? You have resisted tooth and nail to keep people from controlling you. Thus, in order to win, you must surrender it... Are you ready for that? Hm-ha-hah-hee-he! Your face would be perfect for a mask! I guess you are not for this, the decisions of great magnitude... ...as to be expected. you're mine now... [/color][color=ed1c24][h3]So let's play![/h3][/color][/center] [color=8dc73f][hr][/color] [center][color=#000000][h2]*WELCOME*[/h2][/color] Hello, and welcome to the Games of Power: The puppet's show interest check. This thread will be reserved for questions and updates of the main threads development. For now, however, I have left a little speech to get you thinking. The basis of this RP is that every game has some sort of power, and also that someone, me, are grabbing the competitors and champions of various games to compete in the most rewarding, and dangerous game in existence.[/center]